introduction to psychology textbook

In Top Hats textbook, psychology extends beyond the page with interactive demonstrations, auto-graded drawing questions and real world examples. though the topic of stress, Coping and Health Psychology. The chapter gives a sufficient amount of information to the reader to answer the critical thinking questions posed at the end of the chapter. Such a statement seems to contradict an earlier observation that "Big Five dimensions seem to be cross-cultural, because the same five factors have been identified in participants in China, Japan, Italy, Hungary, Turkey, and many other countries." The examples provided throughout the chapters are not culturally diverse and are therefore limited in their applicability. I believe that the course should absolutely match the level of the students. I find the lack of delineated connection between chapters disconcerting. Although this topic is addressed in Chapter 8 with "emotion," my preference would be to have an entirely separate chapter devoted to stress (especially since combining motivation and emotion into one chapter is already a lot of material). The statement that "emotional IQ texts are unreliable" in summary of chapter 9 also does not seem accurate, unless unreliability is defined and also applied to intelligence IQ tests. The content is good and up-to-date. This book help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. The homunculus would be a better visual. This may be the one chance for them to understand that psychology is important and to know the value of studying and appreciating human behavior. Reviewed by Kendra Miller, Psychology Instructor, Anoka-Ramsey Community College on 6/20/17, I compared this textbook with the textbook I currently use, "Discovering Psychology, 7th edition," by Hockenbury, Nolan, and Hockenbury. While I did not see offensive material, I thought the author could have done more to present cultural variation and various cultural issues with nuance and depth. Some of the terms used in chapter 12 and 13 are not in use in this present age. WebIntroduction to Social Dreaming: Transforming Thinking (Psychology, Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy) ISBN 9781855753426 1855753421 by Lawrence, W. Gordon - buy, sell or rent this book for the best price. Web"Feeling comfortable and safe with a therapist is an important part of beginning the healing process. I have found no one text that covers every possible aspect of the standards. Pedagogically, the text uses some learning aids, including a list of learning objectives at the outset of each section, visual aids, including embedded videos, chapter summaries, and Exercises and Critical Thinking activities at the end of each section. I have reviewed a number of intro textbooks in developing the curriculum for a dual enrollment psychology course. The text seems fairly comprehensive in how it introduces the domains of psychology and roots them in empirical research. Social cognition should also be presented earlier, perhaps after Learning and Remembering and Judging.. Information around the fight or flight system and the brain processes involved in responding to threats was minimal and insufficient, again discussing differences between men and women in their biological arousal response systems, and without addressing the growing body of knowledge around activation of these processes. Depending on the format in which the book was downloaded, this book seems to have a relatively user-friendly interface. Through the short chapters, there is room to expand the chapters and display the relevance of each chapter to daily life. No Canadian reviewers are listed. Similarly, chapter summaries that include a list of key terms covered within a chapter have been very helpful to introductory psychology students. The index is appropriate, but I was not able to find the glossary. I am a developmental psychologist in training and will therefore focus my comments on Chapter Six (Growing and Developing). However, it is inaccurate regarding representing an Introductory to Psychology textbook. Generally, Stangor's text has limited coverage of health psychology, stress and well-being, motivation & achievement, and Canadian researchers. Also, although I realize that it would be impossible to include everyone, I feel like there are too many important psychologists missing from the timeline, and the timeline should add in what some of the early theorists did. The book uses psychology jargon correctly and in a way in which students can gain understanding. Also, chapters are an appropriate length and are broken into reasonable length modules. This textbook also provides students with built-in assessment questions to test their comprehension along I think that the text could use more end of chapter questions/quizzes and I would like to see glossary words at the end of each particular chapter. Each chapter consists of four to five logically-flowing sections, which, among other things, makes this textbook available as a brief version for those interested in less coverage. There are intra-correlations made within each chapter; however, there are few inter-connections made between different chapters. Students face various difficulties in their learning environments and need tools to handle such challenges. Sign in The book doesn't necessarily cover every conceivable topic in psychology, but it covers all of the main subfields in psychology and presents at least a few of the central findings, concepts, and theories in each subfield. Chapter 2: I would like to see a little more focus on critical thinking in this chapter, though it is briefly discussed. Success in interpersonal relations depends on a proper James Alcock and Stan Sadava have crafted a truly international social psychology book for the modern era. Chapter 4: Sensation & Perception. read more. Introduction-to-Psychology.pdf - Google Drive. II. Authors: Meaghan Altman (UC Merced) et al. Introduction to Psychology | Top Hat. Two examples would be Marcias theory of identity in Chapter 6 which is presented as a table but would work better as a matrix and Figure 3.11 which demonstrates that bodily regions that require greater motor control are afforded more space on the motor cortex. My attempt was to see this textbook from the perspective of a college freshman. The text is easily divisible into sections conducive for a trimester system. All American statistics would need to be replaced with Canadian ones (e.g., Table 12.1, Figure 13.2, etc.). motivation) is lacking. Chapter 5: Learning & Behavior. I would also add some of the new movements in Psychology, such as Positive Psychology, Epigenetics, Neurogenesis, Cultural Psychology, Energy Psychology, Health Psychology and alternative treatments in Naturopathic Medicine for healing illness. In some places, the font seems a bit small. The book used a consistent approach in displaying the materials in separate submodules within each chapter and providing a chapter summary at the end. read more. I read the text as a pdf and did not attempt to download or read it on an iPad or Kindle, for example; nor did I print it. Introduction to Psychology utilizes the dual theme of behavior and empiricism to make psychology relevant to intro students. Disorganized was identified later. WebLet us know. I liked the exercises/critical thinking questions found at the end of the sections. In Chapter 13, the pie chart depicting the proportion of types of therapy practiced is from 2001, making it nearly 20 years old. The textbook I currently use has only 14 chapters and two Appendices. If accuracy is defined as being free of errors in reporting, then, overall, the coverage of material in the text is accurate. The videos that are included throughout the text are convenient. For example, when discussing REM there is no mention of muscle paralysis that accompanies this stage of sleep. The content table should be there in the beginning of each chapter to give the clarity to the students what the chapter will be covering. Completely revised and updated, this newly illustrated guide helps both licensed and student nurses apply the latest in psychological research and theory to their everyday lives. It does not include any introduction to or discussion of the differences between individualistic and collectivist cultures. Overall, the accuracy is error-free and unbiased based off of my observations. Have you wondered how to ensure your course is relevant to your students? The text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework. A missing piece was the ability to mark up the text, takes notes, highlight, and save the place where I finished reading. Highlighting research from psychologists in different countries and cultures would add to this text as would more discussion on cultural as context for behaviour. Grammatical errors did not stand out as I read for content, organization, consistency et cetera. CC BY-NC-SA, Reviewed by Linda Freeman, Professor of Psychology, Valencia College on 6/1/20, At our learning institution, the preponderance of our students select General Psychology in order to fulfill their general education requirement. I did not notice any grammatical errors. Overall I think the language is clear and straightforward, with a few exceptions. The text is written is such a manner as to reflect college-level expectations. Some of the references are out of date (e.g., the references in section 6.5 are all from 10 years ago or earlier, with several from the 1990s). Additionally, some of the information in tables or figures could be better expressed. There are topical areas in psychology that are ubiquitous to the field. CENTER FOR OPEN EDUCATION | The Open Education Network is based in the Center for Open Education in the University of Minnesotas College of Education and Human Development. In BC, introductory psychology is offered across two semesters, often as two separate courses (e.g., Psych 101 and Psych 102). The textbook I currently use has only 14 chapters and two Appendices. Mangal 2009 Human behaviour is quite complex. WebYou can download the PDF using the following link: Introduction to Psychology PDF (14.7 MB) To share these files with your students, copy and paste the text and download link above into a page or announcement in your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.). In the hard copy and downloaded pfd/Word copies I noted many that the Psychology in Everyday Life sections were written in a smaller font and subsequently not as easy to read. I felt that some of the text boxes dropped into the chapters were not contextualized sufficiently, however. Through the use of shorter chapters, concepts can be easily explained. My preference would be to move the social psychology chapter (Stangor's Chapter 14) to follow the personality chapter (Stangor Chapter 11), rather than having social psychology last in this text. I enjoyed the information provided on the "need to escape everyday consciousness." I think the table that lists the conceptual variable and the operational definition would be very useful to students. WebAn Introduction To Psychology - S.K. I like how this chapter differentiates between values and facts, and discusses the potential limitations of way we collect and interpret data to understand behavior in our everyday lives. Chapter 5: Needs some attention to research on multi-tasking. iv) Chapter 10 would benefit from the inclusion of a discussion on cross-cultural differences in the perception and expression of emotion, as well as cross-cultural differences/ similarities in happiness. I like the depth of the information and how it is displayed. Reviewed by Donna Weber, Senior Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Stout on 1/7/16, The textbook included the topics and chapters that I expect to be included in a General Psychology course. As noted in previously, not all video links worked when reviewing the text online if information was provided about the source in the text it was easy to look this up and review these clips. The text is mostly internally consistent. The textbook did not have any grammatical errors. The other examples were from Canada and Australia. I think this textbook is comparable in comprehensiveness to the textbook I currently use, with one major exception: "Introduction to Psychology has no separate chapter on "Stress, Health, and Coping." The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. II. The inclusion of video clips on concepts, research, and applicable stories enables students to see psychology as they read through each chapter online. The latest reviewed version was checked on 26 February 2021.There are template/file changes awaiting review. Very interesting. The diversity of culture is somewhat lacking. Check the book out online or order your desk copy today. My preference would be to have Growing and Developing follow Chapters 8-11, then be followed by the chapters on psychological disorders. I have seen textbooks with more chapters that may perhaps also be more comprehensive, but may also be overwhelming to get through in a traditional 16 week course. Because other ebooks have these features, I think students will miss this and be potentially disadvantaged. read more. The text is organized in a logical fashion, starting with analysis of behavior at the level of the cell and moving up to the final chapter, which is an analysis of behavior from a social perspective. Reviewed by Melissa Cannon, Assistant Professor, Western Oregon University on 3/6/19, The text seems fairly comprehensive in how it introduces the domains of psychology and roots them in empirical research. The author talks about the different Axis in the DSM due to this being a 2015 version of the text. Overall the key concepts are present. Gerrig et al, 2010). The text and easy to understand and presented in a great manner. Introduction to Psychology 1st Canadian Edition Charles Stangor and Jennifer Walinga Download this book This book is designed to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. Summary Psychology 2e is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester introduction to psychology course. Webeveryone really equal an introduction to key concepts in - Aug 25 2021 web jul 28 2017 i teach a 300 level course essentially acting as an introduction to social justice i love this book and the details sensoy and diangelo go into as far as common statements and rebuttals this book provides an easy to read introduction into the concepts of This book help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. Also missing are the monocular cues of texture gradient and motion parallax, as well as any discussion on bottom-up vs. top-down processing. Each chapter concludes with a summary of key concepts covered. Because I teach the course from the same perspective, I appreciate this position. Although this text has a moderate number of basic images to illustrate concepts throughout each chapter, these could be updated and increased in number to keep students engaged with the material. As stated above, this text is very clear and easy to understand. This textbook also provides students with built-in assessment questions to test their comprehension along Frankly, I think the author does a superb job at addressing the heart of the theoretical matter. While I assigned the entire chapter as reading, I planned my activities and assignments to include a graded item from each of the sections. The questions posed appear to be sufficiently provocative and relevant. Whereas a typical text in this area might include 16 to 18 chapters, his text has only 14 specifically, it is missing a separate chapter on Stress, Health, and Coping (stress receives some coverage in Ch. The tables are drab: black and white, small font. In some respects, the Some tables were somewhat lackluster whereas some were more engaging (i.e., different colors). The flow from paragraph to paragraph is clear and intuitive. Chapter 3: Biological Psychology. Each chapter starts with an example, which helps to provide relevant context for students. For example, Chapter 11, does not discuss in detail how collectivist cultures differ on personality research versus more individualistic cultures. Web"Feeling comfortable and safe with a therapist is an important part of beginning the healing process. I think that concepts were adequately defined and found the textbook easy to read. As well, the chapter summaries require more active reviews - such as multiple choice question review or something similar that has answers somewhere in the text or online where students can check their understanding of material. 2. I agree with other reviewers that while the book is concise and provides a good introduction to different domains of psychology the breadth and depth of discussion on certain topics (i.e. Furthermore, the Cognition and Intelligence chapter covers how to teach a child shape and numbers and how prior learning (i.e., memory) can interfere with problem solving but that is all regarding cognition. By omitting major themes in psychology, the text is actually insensitive to some misunderstood groups, e.g., older adults, women, overweight people, and other underrepresented groups. It is one less step to that the student has to do; therefore, it increases the likelihood that the student will learn that particular concept. When conducting this review I compared this text to four other introductory textbooks (Gerrig, Zimbardo, Desmarais, & Ivanco, 2010; Myers, 2013; Passer, Smith, Atkinson, Mitchell, & Muir, 2011; Schacter, Gilbert, & Wegner,2013). For the most part, I found the content to be accurate, error-free, and unbiased. The remaining 12 chapters cover psychology in the same order I do in my course from the level of the cell (Brains, Bodies, and Behavior) to the social world (Psychology in Our Social Lives). All the subtopics are well connected. The full reference for each citation in the text seems to be embedded in the body of the text throughout the whole book. I am not sure if this was some glitch in the formatting of the version of the text I downloaded but it was exceedingly disruptive to the flow of reading. I especially like the chapter openers with real world examples, key takeaways, the applications for everyday life and the empirical research examples. For example, Chapter 7 (Learning) has four images including charts and graphs while other commercial introductory texts have 30 or more images on learning (i.e., Myers, 2013; Passer et al., 2011). There is a smooth flow to the subject matter. though the topic of stress, Coping and Health Psychology. Within each chapter, the structure and flow is also good. Stress is included in the Sensation, perception, cognitive processes, and developmental psychology are among the topics discussed. The text contained few grammatical errors - I think I only found two typos! Chapter 8: Motivation. For instance, depression often manifests as more somatic symptoms in Asian cultures rather than sadness and despair that we tend to see in Western cultures. Some figure headings were not close to the actual figure in the PDF version. The text and concepts flow throughout each chapter. As previously mentioned, the book is well organized, easy to use, and has a great flow to it. In particular, I appreciated this author's approach to human development, which tends to be a content heavy area. I would also add in why it's necessary to replicate research, and how a journal article is different than other reports of studies seen in the media. In particular, an unusually low statistic of LGBTQ individuals was provided at one point and it was unclear where this information was drawn from. Introduction to Psychology | Top Hat. They also explain that eating disorders can lead people to be too fat or too thin (p. 436) which some may perceive as body shaming. Although Stangor on p. 23 in Chapter 1 comments on the growing number of women in psychology, he does not highlight historical contributions of women and other cultures (i.e., Margaret Washburn, Maime Phipps Clark) to the field of psychology. At our learning institution, the preponderance of our students select General Psychology in order to fulfill their general education requirement. Compare prices on BookScouter. This discussion doesn't really fit with the rest of the chapter; a clear explanation of how/ why it fits into this chapter is missing. Adding a bolded type face along with a list at the end of the chapter would be helpful to introductory students. General psychology textbooks tend to be a bit culturally neutral, however there could be added cultural implications to the topics. Additionally, the open nature of the text automatically lends itself to easy updating and customization. Plasticity is discussed, but would also like to see separate definitions of functional and structural plasticity. This is generally appropriate for an introductory psychology text. Structure of presenting each topic is the same in each chapter. The textbook included the topics and chapters that I expect to be included in a General Psychology course. Summary Psychology 2e is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester introduction to psychology course. I also had student complaints about not having page numbers when needed for a citation. The word psychology comes from the Greek words psyche, meaning life, and logos, meaning explanation. That being said, this text provides materials covering the APA standards on a level commensurate with leading introductory texts. I was excited to see the option of having youtube videos, examples of personality tests, etc; however, ultimately they were not accessible for use. I could not find any grammar or spelling errors. There are some graphs and visual aids in the book. I certainly didnt find evidence of offensive language, but also thought there werent intentional attempts to integrate cross-cultural research. Of course, this necessary shortcoming can be resolved by instructor intervention. This will be the one area that the author will need to keep up-to-date when discussing diagnoses. Introduction to Psychology, 1st Canadian Edition was adapted by Jennifer Walinga in 2014 from an American open textbook published in 2010. 3 web in fawn creek there are 3 comfortable months with high temperatures in the range of 70 85 august is the hottest month for fawn creek with an average high When moving from DSM-IV to DSM-V the Axes system was eliminated yet the text still spends ample time explaining this old diagnostic system. Module 4: The Science of Psychology: Tension and Conflict in a Dynamic Discipline. Chapters could be assigned in any order to accommodate introductory psychology courses which are typically offered as two courses. Standard but appropriate organization and structure. As with any introductory psychological textbook, the author typically demonstrates the greatest conceptual accuracy and strength in their own content area (social psychology, in this instance). I had a hard time understanding why some of the chapter summaries were not at the ends of the chapters (e.g., Chapters 4 and 7). Limited coverage reduces number of chapters and chapter size. Text covers all the areas of Psychology for an introductory course except for Health Psychology. The book doesn't necessarily cover every conceivable topic in psychology, but it covers all of the main subfields in psychology and presents at least a few of the central findings, concepts, and theories in each subfield. Overall, I think that this textbook is absolutely appropriate for an Introductory course. Finally, this book includes numerous video clips, which are a terrific addition and really strengthen the clarity of the information provided. WebPsychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Culture in terms of inclusiveness was absent; there was not much included in terms of information that may vary between cultures. Therefore, I prefer the more brief or concise versions of introductory textbooks. Like the videos spotted throughout the text. Young people are growing up with global consciousness and curiosity about ethnic and cultural diversity. The Science and Psychology of Music - Jun 25 2021 This book provides a broad introduction to the scientific and psychological I compared this textbook with the textbook I currently use, "Discovering Psychology, 7th edition," by Hockenbury, Nolan, and Hockenbury. It is noteworthy that the author did not shy away from including and explaining complex experimental research. In terms of relevance, the author does a good job with providing information, resources, and citations for the pioneering works in the field. I agree with other reviewers that while the book is concise and provides a good introduction to different domains of psychology the breadth and depth of discussion on certain topics (i.e. read more. The textbook meets this element very well. 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