delta green need to know trove

Innocence is a luxury. FBI badge and identification card, medium pistol (9mm) in a belt holster, two spare magazines in a belt pouch, tactical flashlight (useful out to 50 meters), handcuffs in a belt pouch, encrypted smartphone, windbreaker jacket with "FBI" on the back, police-band radio (worn on belt) with earpiece and throat microphone, small evidence kit. Handheld GPS. 11// What Is an Agent? Halve finds that it was last used a couple of months ago. In Delta Green: The role-playing game, you are one of those agents! We have organizations, NPCs, races, gods and items throughout time and space, and fan fiction too. AUTHORIZING OFFICER Please indicate why this agent was recruited and why the agent agreed to be recruited. Water is drawn by an old Baughman occupied one of the two bedrooms at electrical pump attached to a well. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 7. It is playable with the core rulebook for DELTA GREEN: THE ROLE-PLAYING GAME, the player-facing rules in DELTA GREEN: AGENT'S HANDBOOK, or the quickstart rules in DELTA GREEN: NEED TO KNOW, all available from Arc Dream Publishing. A Medicine or Surgery roll, whichever is protections Armor rating by that much forappropriate, restores 1D4 HP once a week. Sometimes common sense says a charac-ter can be kept alive with prompt medical care such Cover: Causes a Lethality roll to automaticallyas Surgery or First Aid. EMPLOYER 4. A couple of boxes of spare 9mm and .38 ammunition (50 bullets each). If the Handler says your Agent has a particular kind of special training, write it in one of the spaces Get the other entries from the Delta Green core along with whatever skill or stat applies. The ladder has it as of Anglo-Saxon manufacture. Stats lower than 6 or higher than 15 are rare.Federal Agent, Physician, Scientist, and Special Opera-tor. known as Delta Green is and The Delta Green Partnership, which has. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is and The Delta Green Partnership, which has licensed its use here. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You 14. Before you roll, desig-Agents, six sample Agents, a fully playable version nate one die as the tens digit and the other as the ones of the core rules, and an operation ready to play. 7HOW TO BE THE HANDLERThe Handlers job is harder than playing an Agent, but it can be far more rewarding.The best Handler has an active imagination, good judgment, a willingness to improvise,and a keen sense of mood and timing. church engaged in a pseudo-Christian service involving snake-handling. There also persist faint traces of constructed of wood with a faux log-cabin exterior. Baughmans Apartment Baughmans address is an inconspicuous apartment building in a declining, working-class neighborhood. The physical edition of Delta Green: Need to Know also comes with a sturdy, four-panel screen loaded with data to help the Handler run a fast-paced, suspenseful game and sinister wraparound art to keep the players terrified. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. INCIDENTS OF SAN LOSS WITHOUT GOING INSANE 10. 2022 The Dragon's Trove. INCIDENTS OF SAN LOSS WITHOUT GOING INSANE Violence adapted Helplessness adapted Accounting (10%) First Aid (10%) Ride (10%) Alertness (20%) 60% Forensics (0%) 40% Science (0%): Anthropology (0%) Heavy Machinery (10%) Archeology (0%) Heavy Weapons (0%) 50% Search (20%) 50% Art (0%): History (10%) SIGINT (0%) Artillery (0%) HUMINT (10%) 80% Stealth (10%) Law (0%) 50% Surgery (0%)APPLICABLE SKILL SETS Athletics (30%) Medicine (0%) Survival (10%) Bureaucracy (10%) 40% Melee Weapons (30%) 50% Swim (20%) Computer Science (0%) Military Science (0%): Unarmed Combat (40%) Craft (0%): 60% Unnatural (0%) Navigate (10%) Foreign Languages and Other Skills: Criminology (10%) 70% Occult (10%) 40% Demolitions (0%) Persuade (20%) 70% Disguise (10%) Pharmacy (0%) THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION Dodge (30%) 50% Pilot (0%): Drive (20%) 60% Firearms (20%) 50% Psychotherapy (10%) 30% Check a box when you attempt to use a skill and fail. Describe the Home and Familyrepercussions as you play. ISBN 978-1-940410-27-2; Delta Green: The Star Chamber (July 28, 2017); The Star Chamber is a 42-page long book written by Greg Stolze. !inside a blocky shape. that attack.Lethality Rating Sample Damage RollsSometimes a threat is so dire that an ordinary damage Unarmed: 1D41roll isnt enough. In Delta The Role-Playing Game, you are one of those agents. a World War II-era financial watch list called K Group. A raid on a Ventaja warehouse in Reel-to-reel tapes labeled with FBI evidence tags, San Juan, Puerto Rico, resulted in the recovery dated 15 AUG 72 to 29 SEP 72, 21 hours total. Why?20. You may use any authorizedteams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, en- version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Gamevironments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities Content originally distributed under any version of this License.or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trade-mark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this Li-by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes cense with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.the Open Game Content; (f) Trademark means the logos, names,mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify 11. STATISTICS SCORE 5 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES 11. What did it cost you to agree to sign up? AGENT SIGNATUREDD 315UNITED STATES TOP SECRET//ORCON//SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED-DELTA GREEN 112382 FORM AGENT DOCUMENTATION SHEETPERSONAL DATA 1. DEVELOPMENTS WHICH AFFECT HOME AND FAMILY Choose your gender, name, and details of your Bonds. papers here and systematically examine them. Is yourPhysician a surgeon, a pathologist, or something else?Ask the Handler whether any particular professionsare appropriate.Choose StatisticsCreate your Agents stats to suit the profession. EDUCATION AND OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY F M 39 Doctorate in astrophysics 8. Think up the details as you go. Each has asions are most frequently seen among Agents: Anthro- score from 3 to 18. Ostensibly part of the War on Terror, it's SCUBA gear Swim dedicated to stopping unnatural incursions and saving Parachuting DEX people from exposure to them. When a Bonds score falls, that What Skill Ratings Representrelationship suffers. Do you succeed or not? //// Delta Green: Need to Know // // What Is an Agent? Dont ask me why. AMBER: I pull the live one out of there. HANDLER: Something erupts from the wreckage. 9// What Is an Agent? Base Range is the distance at which your Agent can use it without a penalty that reduces your Agents skill. This guide also includes the "Standing . 20 from the rating). All sublicenses shallOpen Game Content distributed using this License. Marshals, or some other agency? looking delta green pdf collections. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for DELTA GREEN: NEED TO KNOW WITH HANDLERS SCREEN (APU8106) By Arc Dream Publishing at the best online prices at eBay! The tens die comes up 3 and the ones die Delta Green uses polyhedral dice common to comes up 0: 30. tabletop role-playing games: four-sided, six-sided, eight-sided, ten-sided, twelve-sided, and twenty-sided. The choice doesnt matter much expect to play an Agent in Last Things Last, stop for this scenario. You recognize human figures AMBER: What? 34// Delta Green: Need to Know // // Game System // Damage and Death Suppression: If your Agent is suppressed, your Agent must either hide behind cover or goA successful attack inflicts damage, which reduces the prone. AGE AND D.O.B. The Handler says what happens next. Delta Microgreens is a grass roots company propelled by two Solano County natives. It can be at-tempted only once each time an Agent is injured. (The cover must be with- better). Then they heard on a HANDLER: Sure you are. A sizeable file regarding the Ventaja Corpora-The envelope holds a short letter from Baughman (see tion (aka Venta, meaning advantage), an Ar-HANDOUT B, page 48). If you want to play a soldierwith extensive training for the War on Terror, play aSpecial Operator. Success. WOUNDS AND AILMENTS Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? Why do you say yes?20. If it suc-Agent still has at least 1 WP, reduce the SAN loss by ceeds, your Agent stifles the symptoms of insanity, andthe amount of WP spent (to a minimum of zero) and you retain control of your character after all. If the test still fails, the Agent is Go to Therapy But Lie About Your Unnatural exhausted the next day after all. They wanted you for a secret task force, ostensibly counterterrorism but really dedicated to stopping unnatural incursions and saving others from exposure to them. Loathsomeness waits and dreams in the deep, and decay spreads over the tottering cities of men. H.P. The character whether and when the target can speak.with the highest DEX goes first. Involving the Agents Agents who are not government employees, or who arent in the official program, are contacted by a Delta Many Agents are part of the official Delta Green pro- Green control officer. Six characters, ready to play. The contents of this document are Arc Dream Publishing, except as listed and excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property. Its also your jobto present clues that lead the Agentsdeeper into the mystery, and to makesure that overlooking an import-ant clue doesnt leave the playersstymied. Writegets. You retired from the military after years of covertly pursuing and killing terrorists. If older, what causes your Agent to stay?Name Education and Occupational HistoryWhats your Agents name? If youre the Handler,your job is to present a mystery to theplayers, some terrible event that theirAgents must investigate, a horrificthreat that they must thwart, as well asthe consequences if they fail. Then the next-highestDEX, then the next, and so on until all have acted. A handful of core profes- overall qualities, not specific training. "Kali Ghati" includes a complete scenario and six ready-to-play Agents. But the Agents all recognize a call for a meeting when they see one. Open Game Content: Game mechanics on pages 6, 1118, and 3339 are Open Gaming Content under the terms of the Open Game License Version 1.0a, Section 1(d), found on page 2 of this book. Now you may attempt a SAN test. The dangers are lethal. Pursuit A SKILL: If your Agent is trying to do somethingthat only someone with a great deal of training could When one character (or something worse) wants toachieve, that requires a skill. The interior of Baughmans small apartment is Spartan and grim. (up to your Agents CHA). The action fails andyour Agent suffers some other detriment, too. Need to Know (quick-start rules) Print. DELTA GREEN was once a setting for Call of Cthulhu, created by the Delta Green Partnership (Glancy, Detwiller, & Tynes). Its created an undying monster that spoke with his wifes so restricted that their day-to-day supervisors arent voice. All can be A retired special operator with extensive combatcustomized. The Handler is your window intoyour Agents world. Either way, reduce a Bond by 1. You can decide what it says about Listening at either of the inspection pipes that rise Sky Devils. Studying it as a Home pursuit from the tank reveals nothing. PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) Cornwell Special Agent 3. One attack and damage Defense Rolls roll usually represents a series of blows or two Dodging and hand-to-hand combat (using either Me- or three shots with a gun. AGENT SIGNATUREDD 315UNITED STATES TOP SECRET//ORCON//SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED-DELTA GREEN 112382 FORM AGENT DOCUMENTATION SHEETPERSONAL DATA 1. Offer ideas and suggestions,First and foremost, listen to the Handler and react to but dont tell people theyre doing it wrong.what he or she says. After failing to get a good nights sleep, or work- it. You need to learn the rules, and be willing to make a judgment call in order to keep things moving. Each typically lasts a Unarmed Combat and Melee Weapons attacksfew seconds, but a given turn might represent a split on a pinned target are at +20%. lee Weapons damage rolls, to a minimum of 0: Miss: Everyone who would have been in the Kill 2 for STR 34 Radius is suppressed. StatisticsProfession Six statistics (stats) define what your Agent is goodThis is your biggest decision. character can take no actions except attempting to escape. We need to find the cops. HANDLER: Yeah. If you think its critical, talk to Sometimes you want your Agent to do things that the Handler about it.may not succeed. were in Myanmar, deep in the undeveloped hinterlands. In the book, Delta Green's Task Force T.I. The shed holds an assortment of tools and twenty one-gallon cans of gasoline, all full. (e) Product Identity means productand product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade 8. A First Aid roll restores 1D4 HP. Instead it pectedly assigned to a joint terrorism task force. Shit. EMPLOYER 4. Bureaucracy 40% Foreign Language (choose one) 50%Number of Bonds Foreign Language (choose another) 30% History 60% Anthropologist or Historian: 4 Occult 40% Persuade 40% Computer Scientist or Engineer: 3 Choose any two of these that you dont already have: Anthropology 40% Federal Agent: 3 Archeology 40% HUMINT 50% Physician: 3 Navigate 50% Ride 50% Scientist: 4 Search 60% Survival 50% Special Operator: 2 Computer Scientist or EngineerBond Examples Computer Science 60% Spouse or ex-spouse Craft (Electrician) 30% Son or daughter Craft (Mechanic) 30% Favored parent or grandparent Craft (Microelectronics) 40% Best friend Science (Mathematics) 40% Long-time coworker or partner SIGINT 40% Psychologist or therapist Choose any four of these that you dont already have: Spouse and children Accounting 50% Parents Bureaucracy 50% Siblings Craft (choose one) 40% Colleagues in an intense, difficult job or calling Foreign Language (choose one) 40% Church or support group Heavy Machinery 50% Fellow survivors of a shared trauma Law 40% Science (choose one) 40%Define MotivationsOther than Bonds, what makes your Agent tick?Intellectual curiosity? Products are not "capitalism" or "conservative" those are categories of systems, not of products. unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. SPECIAL TRAINING into a private meeting and inducted you into another SKILL OR STAT USED program. Yeah. and maintain a tense and suspenseful mood.) Many other professions are described in the Delta Each stat has space for its 5 rating. STATISTICS SCORE 5 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES 11. But you took your time. If the Agents try to block the opening and leave just enough HUMINT 80% can tell shes in a high state of space to a fuel line, that may call a Strength by Mar- alert, not quite as defeated as she seems. The other players take the role of Agents of deep horror and terrible consequences. Spend 1D4 WP. It fits on two double sided pages and can be handed to a first time player along with a blank character sheet, allowing them to self direct for most of the character creation process. There was one must gather quickly. STATISTICS SCORE 5 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES 11. The contents of this document are Arc Dream Publishing, except as listed and excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property. Name Generator (People . 21. Updated: 10:00 CST, 27 MAR 2016. Help theplayers see the world through their Agents eyes.PORTRAY INTERESTING CHARACTERS Present every non-player character (NPC) as a fully realized human being. ing die-roll wins. She says in passing, It was a terrible shame that poor Mr. Baughman wasnt found for three days. The bathroom is in a disturbed gerous in poor weather. But once you hit "PLAY," there's no turning back. Hit Points never go below 0. inflicts Hit Point damage. and for storage. Profession determines or bad at in very broad terms: Strength (STR), Con-your Agents skills, role in an operation, and some- stitution (CON), Dexterity (DEX), Intelligence (INT),times the resources your Agent can bring to bear by Power (POW), and Charisma (CHA). Complete rules for character creation. DEVELOPMENTS WHICH AFFECT HOME AND FAMILYREMARKS 19. Illustrated by Dennis Detwiller, 2016. Then she sprints What exactly the Other tells the Agents is up to into the woods to escape. // // Delta Green: Need to Know //Federal Agent Scientist Alertness 50% Bureaucracy 40% Bureaucracy 40% Computer Science 40% Criminology 50% Science (choose one) 60% Drive 50% Science (choose another) 50% Firearms 50% Science (choose another) 50% Forensics 30% Choose any three of these: HUMINT 60% Accounting 50% Law 30% Craft (choose one) 40% Persuade 50% Foreign Language (choose one) 40% Search 50% Forensics 40% Unarmed Combat 60% Law 40%Choose any one of these: Pharmacy 40% Accounting 60% Computer Science 50% Special Operator Foreign Language (choose one) 50% Heavy Weapons 50% Alertness 60% Pharmacy 50% Athletics 60% Demolitions 40% Firearms 60% Heavy Weapons 50% Melee Weapons 50% Military Science (Land) 60% Navigate 50% Stealth 50% Survival 50% Swim 50% Unarmed Combat 60%Physician Choose Bonus Skills Bureaucracy 50% Pick any eight skills and add 20% to each of them. Whats something admirable about your Agent? This book provides everything you need to play. Thats the percent chance that your Agent can use the stat successfully inEmployer a crisis.Which agency or company does your Agent work for? Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to beindicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. All Rights RIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact textReserved. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. SEX 6. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Violence adapted Helplessness adapted Accounting (10%) 50% First Aid (10%) Ride (10%) Alertness (20%) Forensics (0%) Science (0%): 80% Anthropology (0%) Heavy Machinery (10%) Astronomy Archeology (0%) Heavy Weapons (0%) Search (20%) Art (0%): History (10%) SIGINT (0%) 40% HUMINT (10%) Stealth (10%) Artillery (0%) Law (0%) Surgery (0%)APPLICABLE SKILL SETS Athletics (30%) Medicine (0%) Survival (10%) Bureaucracy (10%) 40% Melee Weapons (30%) Swim (20%) Military Science (0%): Computer Science (0%) 40% Unarmed Combat (40%) Navigate (10%) Craft (0%): Occult (10%) Unnatural (0%) 10% Persuade (20%) Glass-smithing & lens-making 60% Pharmacy (0%) 50% Foreign Languages and Other Skills: 70% Criminology (10%) Science: Chemistry 50% Demolitions (0%) Science: Physics 50% THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION Disguise (10%) Language: 40% Dodge (30%) Pilot (0%): Drive (20%) Firearms (20%) Psychotherapy (10%) Check a box when you attempt to use a skill and fail. Gradually the screamsconversations can be a Home pursuit between mis- become a high, strange whine, nothing produced by asions, a version of studying the Unnatural. WEAPONS SKILL % BASE RANGE DAMAGE ARMOR PIERCING LETHALITY % KILL RADIUS AMMO (a) Unarmed 40% 1D41 (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 17. 21. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. The Unnatural Loss Attempting Psychotherapy on a character who lost SAN to the Unnatural 0/1 Witnessing a supernatural effect thats apparently benign 0/1Suffering Violence Loss Witnessing a violent supernatural effect 0/1D6 0/1 Ambushed or hit by gunfire 0/1 Seeing a corpse walk 0/1D6 0/1D4 Surprised by a corpse 0/1D4 Subjected to an overtly 0/1D6 The corpse of someone you love 0/1D10 supernatural effect 0/1D6 Unexpectedly stabbed or strangled Suffering a violent supernatural assault 1/1D8 Reduced to 2 HP or less or more Tortured Inflicting Violence Loss 0/1D4 Incapacitate or cripple an innocent 0/1D4 Destroy a teammates body to 0/1D4thwart investigation* 0/1D6 0/1D8 Kill in self-defense* 0/1D8 Kill a murderous enemy 1/1D10in cold blood* Torture someone Accidentally kill an innocent* Kill an innocent in cold blood,even for a good reason* * For a failed roll, add 1 per victim up to the maxi-mum possible die-roll: 4 for 1D4, 6 for 1D6, etc. // // what is an Agent in last things last, stop this. 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