ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor

Their opposition forced Ferdinand in 1630 to dismiss Wallenstein, the mainstay of his power. Durch seine malose Freigiebigkeit zerrttete er trotz einfacher Lebensweise seine Finanzen; er war fleiig und gewissenhaft in der Erfllung seiner Regentenpflichten, aber unselbstndig in seinen Meinungen und ganz abhngig von seinen Rten (v.a. [23] He visited Nagykanizsa, Cetin Castle and the nearby fortresses and ordered their repair. [97] Royal officials arrested Protestant burghers who wanted to build a church in Broumov and destroyed a newly built church in Hrob. [7] His parents wanted to separate him from the Lutheran Styrian nobles and sent him to Ingolstadt to continue his studies at the Jesuits' college in Bavaria. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Roman Catholic historiography of the 19th century assigned him too high a place, while liberal historians were likely to underestimate his importance. Nach dem Tod seines Vaters (1590) bergab seine streng katholische Mutter die Erziehung des Knaben den Jesuiten in Ingolstadt, die ihm einen unvershnlichen Hass gegen den Protestantismus einflten, so dass er zu Loreto vor dem Altar der Mutter Gottes freiwillig das feierliche Gelbde ablegte, den Katholizismus um jeden Preis wieder zur allein herrschenden Religion in seinen Staaten zu machen. [151] Lamormaini awakened Ferdinand's determination to adopt strict measures against the Protestants. [19] He left unchanged the traditional system of government, appointing only Catholics to the highest offices. Birth of Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, His Royal Highness Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, Baptism of Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, Birth of Christine von Habsburg, Erzherzogin, Birth of Ferdinand III von Habsburg, Kaiser. der Kirche und ihren Dienern mit Fanatismus ergeben war und der Sieg der katholischen Religion ber die Ketzer sein hchstes Ziel gewesen ist. Bohemia offered their crown (King of Bohemia) to the Calvinist Frederick V of the Palatinate on 26 August 1619. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for COOMODEL SE106 1/6 Scale Ferdinand II of Holy Roman Emoire Figure Chain Armor at the best online prices at eBay! Philip III of Spain, who was the childless Matthias' nephew, acknowledged Ferdinand's right to succeed Matthias in Bohemia and Hungary in exchange for territorial concessions in 1617. Die Offiziere Gallas, inzwischen Generalleutnant, Piccolomini und Aldringen wurden mit der Exekution oder Gefangennahme beauftragt, unternahmen jedoch einige Wochen lang nichts Konkretes, auer dass sie ihre Informationen an die ihnen zuverlssig erscheinenden Truppenkommandanten weitergaben (wesentlicher Grund fr das lange Zgern war vermutlich, dass Wallensteins Anhngerschaft bei seinen Soldaten noch zu gro war). [47] The Pope appointed his nephew, Gian Francesco Aldobrandini, as the commander of the papal troops. [87][83], Matthias convoked the Diet of Hungary to Pressburg (now Bratislava in Slovakia) in early 1618. Anna von sterreich. He was the son of Archduke Charles II and is remembered for uniting Spanish kingdoms into Spain. Ferdinand II, 1578-1637, Holy Roman emperor (1619-37), king of Bohemia (1617-37) and of Hungary (1618-37); successor of Holy Roman Emperor Matthias. [145] Leopold wanted to establish his own principality. Ferdinand II. Mtys utn kvetkezett a trnutdlsban. In den innersterreichischen Lndern wurde die Gegenreformation und die Rekatholisierung mit groer Hrte durchgefhrt; Ferdinand wird der Spruch zugeschrieben: Besser eine Wste regieren als ein Land voller Ketzer. [51] Ferdinand later claimed that he only signed the secret treaty because he feared that his relatives could otherwise accuse him of pursuing the throne for himself. [22] Rudolph II gave Ferdinand responsibility for the defense of Croatia, Slavonia and the southeastern parts of Hungary proper against the Ottomans. Obwohl einen Tag zuvor, nmlich am 27.August 1619, Friedrich V. von der Pfalz zum neuen Bhmischen Knig gewhlt worden war, bte Ferdinand bei seiner Wahl zum Kaiser noch das Wahlrecht der bhmischen Kur aus - der entsprechende Protest einer eigens angereisten bhmischen Delegation wurde vom versammelten Kurfrstenkollegium abgelehnt. Shortly afterwards, he began to suppress the practice of non-Catholic faiths within his territory. News of his deposition arrived in Frankfurt on the 28th but Ferdinand didn't leave town until he had been crowned. As earlier agreed, Ferdinand succeeded him on the throne. [168][169], Ferdinand deprived the dukes of Mecklenburg from their duchies for their support to Christian IV in February 1627. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. COOMODEL SE106 1/6 Scale . [83] The Catholic Bohemian nobleman, Albrecht von Wallenstein, recruited 260 soldiers at his own expense. [64] Both brothers were forced to confirm the privileges of the Estates in their realms, including religious freedom. Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor House of Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor from 1619 to 1637 Born on 9 July 1578 in Graz Died on 15 February 1637 in Vienna See the 199 coins See the 3 medals and tokens Austrian Empire: Emperor Ferdinand II (1619-1637) See the 77 coins 3 Kreuzer - Ferdinand II (St Veit) 1 Thaler - Ferdinand II (Hall) , . (Louis's father Henry IV of France had once been a Huguenot leader.) [107] The directors ignored Ferdinand's acts and made further preparations for an armed conflict. Free shipping for many products! [80] On 31 October 1616, Ferdinand and Maximilian III agreed to achieve the removal of Klesl, but Ferdinand wanted to conclude an agreement with Philip III about Matthias's succession before making further steps. In the same year, Ferdinand was recognized by the Bohemian Diet as king of Bohemia and in 1618 was elected king of Hungary. [22], Ferdinand made an unofficial journey to Italy before getting fully involved in state administration. After Frederick's flight to the Netherlands, Ferdinand ordered a massive effort to bring about re-conversion to Catholicism in Bohemia and Austria, causing Protestantism there to nearly disappear in the following decades, and reducing the Diet's power. By promoting the Counter-Reformation, Ferdinand II set the course of Austrian Habsburg policy for the next century. * Matthias Schnettger: FERDINAND II.. 12 days ago. [119] Ferdinand sought assistance from his staunchly Catholic brother-in-law, Sigismund III of Poland. A rigidly Catholic ruler, he forcibly Catholicized Bohemia and suppressed Protestantism throughout his lands. [104] Ferdinand started negotiations with the rebels with the mediation of John George I of Saxony. [64] According to the Treaty of Lieben, Rudolph retained most Lands of the Bohemian Crown and the title of Holy Roman Emperor, but had to renounce Hungary, Lower and Upper Austria and Moravia in favor of Matthias. He was the leading champion of the Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation and of absolutist rule during the Thirty Years' War. [96], The application of the Letter of Majesty was controversial in Bohemia. His heart was interred in the Herzgruft (heart crypt) of the Augustinian Church, Vienna. [citation needed], Tilly died in battle in 1632. Mrz 1619 wurde Ferdinand am 28. November 1605 in Graz, 26. Die Ehe blieb kinderlos. The leadership of the war thenceforth passed to Tilly, who was however unable to stop the Swedish march from northern Germany towards Austria. Eine Epoche in Lebensbildern. Born in Vienna, Maximilian was a son of his predecessor, Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, and Anna of Bohemia and Hungary (1503-1547).Anne was a daughter of King Ladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary and his wife Anne de Foix. In the prime of his life Ferdinand was described as a blue-eyed, somewhat corpulent, middle-sized man who wore Spanish court dress. Ferdinand II., Statue von Johann Joseph Resler im ehem. [36] After the Styrian general assembly was dissolved, Ferdinand summarized his views of the Counter-Reformation in a letter to the delegates. August 1619 dem reformierten Kurfrsten der Pfalz Friedrich V. verliehen. Free shipping. Mrz 1629 das Restitutionsedikt, sondern verlieh auch zahlreiche Bistmer an sterreichische Erzherzge. Beieren, Eleonora Gonzaga, Ferdinand Oostenrijk-Habsburg, Maria Anna Van. [57] The delegates of the Protestant princes stated that they would vote for the tax only if the Catholic Estates accepted their interpretation of the Religious Peace of Augsburg, especially their right to retain the lands they had confiscated from Catholic clerics in their realms. Eventually, for reasons of state, Ferdinand reluctantly gave his consent to a second dismissal and the assassination of Wallenstein, who had treacherously entered into negotiations with the enemy (1634). During the first stage of the family feud known as the Brothers' Quarrel, Ferdinand initially supported Rudolph II's brother, Matthias, who wanted to convince the melancholic Emperor to abdicate, but Matthias' concessions to the Protestants in Hungary, Austria, and Bohemia outraged Ferdinand. Spain also supported Ferdinand against the Republic of Venice during the Uskok War in 161718. Juli 1578 in Graz; 15. Aufl., Frankfurt a. M. 1971. The Ottomans captured Nagykanizsa in Hungary in 1600, which enabled them to invade Styria. [143] She was crowned as queen of Hungary in Sopron where the first Italian opera was performed in the Habsburgs' realms during the festivities that followed the coronation. Barnabitenkolleg, Wien 1756. These pieces of furniture have been reassembled from fragments, some of which may come from the imperial villa of Lucius Verus (co-emperor, A.D. 161-169), on the Via Cassia outside Rome. & R.H. Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria, Leopold Wilhelm von sterreich-Habsburg, Erzherzog, landvoogden van de Nederlanden, Maria Christina Habsburg, Erzherzogin von sterreich-Steiermark, Kateina Renata von sterreich, Habsburg, Erzherzogin, Elisabeth von Habsburg-sterreich, Archduchess, Georgiane Maximiliane Archduchess of Austria av Steyer Habsburg, Eleonore Archduchess Of av Steyer Habsburg, Maximilian Ernst Habsburg (sterreichische Linie), Leopold V, Erzherzog von sterreich-Tirol. [35] Although he issued new decrees to strengthen the position of the Catholic Church without seeking the Estates' consent, the Estates granted the subsidies that he had demanded from them. He belonged to the House of Habsburg, a German royal family. [84] Philip's new envoy at Vienna, igo Vlez de Guevara, 7th Count of Oate, and Ferdinand signed a secret treaty on 29 July 1617. und der Dreiigjhrige Krieg [Bearbeiten]. und der Dreiigjhrige Krieg + 1.3.1 Der Prager Fenstersturz + 1.3.2 Der Winterknig + 1.3.3 Wallenstein o 1.4 Letzte Jahre und Tod * 2 Der Mensch Ferdinand * 3 Familie * 4 Berater Ferdinands * 5 Literatur * 6 Weblinks Leben [Bearbeiten]. [40] Their marriage improved the relationship between the Habsburgs and the Wittelsbachs, which had deteriorated because of the appointment of Ferdinand's brother Leopold V to the Bishopric of Passau. [8] Ferdinand chose Paul the Apostle's words"To Those Who Fight Justly Goes the Crown"as his personal motto before he left Graz in early 1590. Supported by the Catholic League, which included the rulers of Poland, Spain, and Bavaria, Ferdinand sought to reclaim his Bohemian possessions and stamp out the Protestant rebellion. [81], Ferdinand sent troops against the Uskoks' principal center at Senj to put an end to their piratical raids in 1614. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Es wurde nun regelrecht Gericht ber Wallenstein gehalten, der fr schuldig erklrt und gechtet wurde. [162][163] Initially, Ferdinand wanted to avoid the renewal of armed conflicts, but Maximilian of Bavaria urged him to gather an army against the new Protestant alliance. [47] Ferdinand could never properly manage financial affairs, and the most important fortresses were poorly supplied. [159], Ferdinand also took advantage of his peace with Bethlen to strengthen his position in Hungary. Unmittelbarer Anlass zum Krieg war der so genannte Zweite Prager Fenstersturz vom 23. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Family tradition dictated his Jesuit upbringing. In order to muster an imperial army to continue the war, he applied to Albrecht von Wallenstein, one of the richest men in Bohemia: the latter accepted on condition that he could keep total control over the direction of the war, as well as over the booties taken during the operations. , (16081657). Father of Christine von Habsburg, Erzherzogin; Karl von Habsburg, Erzherzog; Ferdinand III von Habsburg, Kaiser; H.I. Later Ferdinand secured approval from the Habsburg rulers of Spain to succeed the childless Matthias. [48] After his troops were decimated by hunger and bad weather, Ferdinand was forced to lift the siege and return to Styria on 15 November. Ferdinand seurasi serkkuaan Matiasta keisariksi vuonna 1619. Ferdinand was born in 1503 in Alcal de Henares, Castile, the second son of Philip I of Castile and Joanna of Castile. Ferdinand regarded the regulation of religious issues as a royal prerogative and introduced strict Counter-Reformation measures from 1598. [131] The united troops of Maximilian I of Bavaria, Tilly and Bucquoy invaded Bohemia and inflicted a decisive defeat on the Bohemians and their allies in the Battle of White Mountain on 8 November 1620. The Armor of Emperor Ferdinand I is a suit of plate armor created by the Nuremberg armorer Kunz Lochner in 1549 for the future Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Ferdinand-II-Holy-Roman-emperor, The Catholic Encyclopedia - Biography of Ferdinand II. He had one older sister, Archduchess Maria Ludovika, and ten younger siblings, of whom six survived infancy. 1 / 3. Auch dort versuchte er die Gegenreformation mit voller Hrte durchzusetzen und wurde damit einer der Auslser des Dreiigjhrigen Krieges, in dem er anfangs mit Hilfe seiner Feldherren Wallenstein und Tilly sehr erfolgreich war. [3] Their marriage brought about a reconciliation between the two leading Catholic families of the Holy Roman Empire. Ferdinand was installed as the actual ruler of the Inner Austrian provinces in 1596 and 1597. Wasa von Polen, Sohn des Knig Sigismund III. The Protestants of Upper and Lower Austria were subjected to compulsory conversion. [148] He invested Maximilian with the electoral title on 25 February 1623, but the envoys of the electors of Brandenburg and Saxony and the Spanish ambassador were absent from the ceremony. [81] Maximilian III and Albert VII who preferred Ferdinand to Philip III renounced their claims in favor of him in August 1614, but Klesl made several efforts to delay the decision. [95] Ferdinand hired new troops against the Venetians and volunteers also joined his army. [83] Ferdinand sought assistance from Spain and the Venetians received support from the Dutch and English, but neither side could achieve a decisive victory in the Uskok War. [85] Philip acknowledged Ferdinand's right to inherit Matthias's realms, but Ferdinand promised to cede territories in Alsace, along with Finale Ligure and the Principality of Piombino in Italy to Philip after he succeeded Matthias as Holy Roman Emperor. In addition, with the help of Spain and the league of Catholic princes of Germany, and through the victories of his generalissimo Albrecht von Wallenstein, he gained important successes over his German opponents and the king of Denmark. (In der Schlacht von Ltzen, die unentschieden endete, starb der Schwedenknig.). [128][132], Maximilian I of Bavaria urged Ferdinand to adopt strict measures against the Bohemians and their allies,[133] and Ferdinand declared Frederick V an outlaw on 29 January 1621. [42] Fearing that the Protestant prince-electors could take advantage of his childless brother's death to elect a Protestant emperor, Matthias wanted to convince Rudolph II to name him as his successor. Birth of Leopold Wilhelm von sterreich-Habsburg, Er Empereur d'Allemagne (1619-1637), Made Archduke of the Duchy, and crowned Emperor of Austria, 1576, on the death of his grandfather, Balthaer., Holy Roman Emperor. He also secured support from the Spanish Habsburgs for his claim to succeed the childless Emperor Matthias on the throne, granting them future rule over Alsace and Imperial fiefs in Italy. [61][62], Ferdinand's appointment as the Emperor's deputy to the Diet implied that Rudolph regarded Ferdinandthe only Habsburg who had already fathered childrenas his successor. Februar 1622 in Innsbruck die Prinzessin Eleonore von Mantua (1598-1655), Tochter des Herzog Vinzenz I. von Mantua und dessen zweiter Gattin Prinzessin Eleonora de' Medici. 1529-1595. https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%A4%D7%A8%D7%93%D7%99%D7%A0%D7%A0%-------------------------------------. Yet by maintaining the countrys historical provinces and estates, after their subjugation, he preserved the principle of federalism in Austria. [citation needed]. The French were highly dissatisfied with the terms of the Peace of Prague concluded in 1635, the last important act of Ferdinand. [87][95] John George also agreed to convince the two other Protestant electors, Frederick V of the Palatinate and John Sigismund of Brandenburg, to vote for Ferdinand. The Second Defenestration of Prague of 22 May 1618 is considered the first step of the Thirty Years' War. With the loss of his commander, he was once again forced to rely on the Catholic League army under Tilly, who was unable to stem the Swedish advance and was killed in 1632. Ferdinand II, (born July 9, 1578, Graz, Styria [now in Austria]died February 15, 1637, Vienna), Holy Roman emperor (161937), archduke of Austria, king of Bohemia (161719, 162027), and king of Hungary (161825). Nach diesem Sieg errichtete Ferdinand in seinen Lndern ein absolutistisches Regiment, in Bhmen 1627 mit der Verneuerten Landesverordnung. Von besonderer Bedeutung war Geheimrat Frst Hans Ulrich von Eggenberg, der aufgrund seiner Fhigkeiten als Diplomat und enger Berater fungierte. - . From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. In 1600, Ferdinand married Maria Anna of Bavaria (1574-1616), daughter of Duke William V of Bavaria. His father was Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, Mother Maria Anna of Bavaria. [83], Matthias fell seriously ill in late April 1617. As a result, Ferdinand recalled Wallenstein from retirement. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for COOMODEL SE106 1/6 Scale Ferdinand II of Holy Roman Emoire Figure Palms Model at the best online prices at eBay! 1651 Prinzessin Eleonore Gonzaga von Mantua, Tochter Herzog Carlo II. The war began when the newly elected Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II, tried to impose religious uniformity on his domains, forcing Roman Catholicism on its peoples. [134] Ferdinand charged Karl I, Prince of Liechtenstein and Cardinal Franz von Dietrichstein with the government of Bohemia and Moravia, respectively, and ordered the establishment of special courts of justice to hear the rebels' trials. Married Eleanora Gonzaga, March 1651. [125], Ferdinand continued the negotiations with the Estates of Lower and Upper Austria about his recognition as Matthias' successor in both provinces. [145] He informed his brothers, Leopold and Charles, about his plan in a letter on 29 April 1623, but they rejected it. soll ihm "bis zum blinden Gehorsam" vertraut haben. 30-vuotinen sota: Kolmikymmenvuotinen sota kytiin Euroopassa 16181648 suurimmaksi osaksi Pyhn saksalais-roomalaisen keisarikunnan alueella. They had no children. [84] In early 1616, Ferdinand pledged that he would not interfere in state administration in Matthias's realms. 3. [77] Matthias made Ferdinand the governor of Lower and Upper Austria and appointed him as his representative in Hungary, but Klesl became his most influential advisor. Below is the article summary. * Frst Hans Ulrich von Eggenberg * Graf Wratislav von Frstenberg * Freiherr Karl von Harrach * Graf Leonhard Helfried von Meggau * Freiherr Peter Heinrich von Stralendorf * Graf Maximilian von und zu Trauttmansdorff * Bischof Anton Wolfradt * Hermann von Questenberg * Bischof Franz Xaver von Dietrichstein * Pater Wilhelm Lamormaini * Hochmeister Johann Kaspar von Stadion Literatur [Bearbeiten], * Khevenhller: Annalen Ferdinands II.. 2. The campaigning of 1633 was indecisive, partly because Wallenstein was negotiating with the enemy, thinking that the army would be loyal to him, rather than Ferdinand, and follow him if he switched sides. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. [124][128] Maximilian I retained Upper Austria as a security for Ferdinand's debts and the local Estates swore fealty to him on 20 August. [73] Matthias, Ferdinand and Maximilian III assembled at Vienna to discuss the issue with Philip III's envoy, Baltasar de Ziga, in December. Born in Graz to Charles II of Austria (1540-1590) and Maria Anna of Bavaria (1551-1608), Ferdinand was provided with a strict Jesuit education culminating in his years at the University of Ingolstadt. zum Knig erreichen und starb am 15. In 1600, Ferdinand married Maria Anna of Bavaria (15741616), daughter of Duke William V of Bavaria. Ferdinands Heer erstritt Anfang September 1634 den wichtigen Sieg in der Schlacht bei Nrdlingen; jedoch suchte er nun durch Zugestndnisse an die evangelischen Frsten dem Krieg ein Ende zu machen und schloss zu diesem Zweck 1635 den Prager Frieden mit Sachsen, in dem er auf die Durchfhrung des Restitutionsediktes verzichtete und dem sich die meisten deutschen Protestanten anschlossen. FERDINAND II, HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR Reigned from 1619 to 1637; b. Graz, Styria, July 9, 1578; d. Vienna, Feb. 15, 1637. of Habsburg, Karl Joseph of Habsburg, Maria Magdalena of Habsburg, Gregoria Maximiliane of Habsburg, Anna of Habsburg, Ferdinand of Habs a of Habsburg, Leopold Wilhelm of Habsburg, Christine of Habsburg, Karl of Habsburg, John Karl of Habsburg, Leopold Wilhelm of Habsburg, July 19 1578 - Graz, Graz, Steiermark, Austria, Feb 15 1637 - Wiener Neustadt, Niedersterreich, Austria, Karl Ii von Habsburg, Maria Anna von Bavaria, Margaret von Osterreich, Leopold V von Osterreich, Maria Anna von Habsburg, Ferdinand III von Habsburg, Leopold Oostenrijk, Maria Magdalena van Oostenrijk-Habsburg, Maria Anna Van. Although he had lost strategically and been forced out of Saxony, the Protestants had suffered much greater casualties. [145] He renounced the bishoprics of Passau and Strasbourg in favor of Ferdinand's younger son, Leopold Wilhelm, and retained Further Austria and Tyrol (that he had administered since 1619). [144] Ferdinand had convoked the Diet of Hungary to Sopron to assure the Hungarian Estates that he would respect their privileges. 1619-ben a frankfurti birodalmi gylsen, ellenjellt hinyban, t tettk meg nmet-rmai csszrnak. [1] Charles II, who was the youngest son of Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, had inherited the Inner Austrian provincesStyria, Carinthia, Carniola, Gorizia, Fiume, Trieste and parts of Istria and Friulifrom his father in 1564. Media related to Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor at Wikimedia Commons. Band 18, Herzberg 2001, ISBN 3-88309-086-7, Sp. [41] Around the same time, the relationship between Rudolph II and his brother, Matthias, deteriorated. von Wallenstein but later concluded a compromise peace with the Protestant princes. His rule coincided with the Thirty Years' War. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. [32] He summoned Italian and Spanish mercenaries to Graz. [92] He was crowned king in the St. Vitus Cathedral on 29 June. [98][100], Ferdinand was staying in Pressburg when he was informed of the Bohemian events on 27 May 1618. [54] At the opening session of the Diet on 12 January 1608, Ferdinand demanded funds from the Imperial Estates on the Emperor's behalf to finance 24,000 troops. [14] His religiosity was reinforced during his studies:[15] he did not miss the Masses on Sundays and feast days, and made pilgrimages to Bavarian shrines. Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Hungary and Bohemia Also known as Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Hungary and Bohemia . Ferdinand konnte noch die Wahl seines Sohnes Ferdinand III. [104] He demanded the dissolution of the provisional government and the rebels' army. The war left the Holy Roman Empire devastated and its population did not recover until 1710. Ferdinand II, (born July 9, 1578, Graz, Styriadied Feb. 15, 1637, Vienna), Holy Roman emperor (161937), archduke of Austria, king of Bohemia (161719, 162027) and king of Hungary (161825). Summarized his views of the Estates in their realms, including religious freedom April 1617 subjected to compulsory conversion katholischen... Sondern verlieh auch zahlreiche Bistmer an sterreichische Erzherzge Defenestration of Prague of may! Ferdinand also took advantage of his deposition arrived in Frankfurt on the throne of Castile Joanna. An sterreichische Erzherzge federalism in Austria was the son of Philip I Saxony..., there may be some discrepancies beieren, Eleonora Gonzaga, Ferdinand made unofficial! Too high a place, while liberal historians were likely to underestimate his importance his position in.! Installed as the actual ruler of the Letter of Majesty was controversial in Bohemia,... In 1503 in Alcal de Henares, Castile, the second Defenestration of Prague concluded 1635! 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Catholic Bohemian nobleman, Albrecht von Wallenstein, the Catholic Bohemian nobleman Albrecht... Their marriage brought about a reconciliation between the two leading Catholic families of the Holy Roman Emperor Mother. And ordered their repair 18, Herzberg 2001, ISBN 3-88309-086-7, Sp the Years... Was born in 1503 in Alcal de Henares, Castile, the mainstay of his deposition arrived in Frankfurt the. Relationship between Rudolph II and his brother, Matthias convoked the Diet of Hungary to Pressburg ( now in. Ii.. 12 days ago realms, including religious freedom Pressburg when he informed. To succeed the childless Matthias a reconciliation between the two leading Catholic families of ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor Estates in realms... Non-Catholic faiths within his territory non-Catholic faiths within his territory was interred in the Herzgruft ( crypt... Passed to Tilly, who was however unable to stop the Swedish march from northern Germany towards Austria, whom. 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