saint louis de montfort quotes

Any attempt to succeed by worldly standards runs the risk of betraying the Good News of Jesus. interesting, well written and has potential to enhance the readers life. EIN 27-4581132 Joseph Pronechen has provided 21 of his favorite quotes (below) from the Marian saint. The Sovereign Pontiffs have shown their generosity towards members of the Rosary Confraternity by allowing them to gain the indulgences attached to the Stations of the Cross by visiting five altars in the church where the Rosary Confraternity is established, and by saying the Our Father and Hail Mary five times before each altar, for the well-being of the Church. var cookies = document.cookie.split('; '); The Secret of the Rosary, p.106, TAN Books, Saint Louis de Montfort (2016). Spain Dominican The more one is consecrated to Mary, the more one is consecrated to Jesus.|, (18) That is why perfect consecration to Jesus is but a perfect and complete consecration of oneself to the Blessed Virgin, which is the devotion I teach; or in other words, it is the perfect renewal of the vows and promises of holy baptism.. If he prides himself on having God for his Father but does not give to Mary the tender affection of a true child, he is an impostor and his father is the devil. St. Louis de Montfort, quote from True Devotion to Mary, She is not the sun, which by the brightness of its rays blinds us because of our weakness; but she is fair and gentle as the moon (Cant. True Devotion to Mary: Saint Louis de Montfort, p.61, Danka, Saint Louis de Montfort (2016). It is true that we can attain divine union by other roads; but it is by many more crosses and strange deaths, and with many more difficulties, which we shall find it hard to overcome. The Secret of the Rosary, p.27, TAN Books, Saint Louis de Montfort (2016). "One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, Our Lady will save the world . St. Louis de Montfort's Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary - Dec 30 2021 Popes and Saints have called this single greatest book of Marian spirituality ever written. The dead have their pains eased by suffrages. may the live coal of Thy love grow hot within my spirit, and break forth into a perfect fire; may it burn incessantly on the altar of my heart; may it glow in my innermost being; may it blaze in hidden recesses of my soul; and in The Rosary is made up of two things: mental prayer and vocal prayer. Required fields are marked *. Doctor of the Church Public prayer is more powerful than private prayer to appease the anger of God and call down his mercy, and the Church, guided by the Holy Ghost, has always advocated it in times of disasters and general distress. You can even say it while working if your duties do not allow you to leave your job, for work with ones hands is not always incompatible with vocal prayer. ~, Blessed is the Rosary which gives us this science and knowledge of our Blessed Lord through our meditations on His life, death, passion and glory. ~, The Rosary is the most powerful weapon to touch the Heart of Jesus, Our Redeemer, who loves His Mother. ~, If then we are establishing sound devotion to our Blessed Lady, it is only in order to establish devotion to our Lord more perfectly, by providing a smooth but certain way of reaching Jesus Christ. ~, One day Our Lord said to Blessed Alan: If only these poor wretched sinners would say My Rosary, they would share in the merits of My passion and I would be their Advocate and would appease My Fathers Justice. ~, Your closest enemies will attack you all the more cruelly because they are within you. By asking for our daily bread, we humbly admit our own poverty and insufficiency, and pay tribute to our God, knowing that all temporal goods come from his Providence. Just as one who is consecrated belongs entirely to Mary, so Mary belongs entirely to him., (21) St. When we say the Little Office of Our Lady, or the Seven Penitential Psalms, or any prayers other than the Rosary, the variety of words and expressions keeps us alert, prevents our imagination from wandering, and so makes it easier for us to say them well. The word Rosary means "Crown of Roses" that is to say that every time people say the Rosary devoutly they place a crown of one hundred and fifty-three red roses and sixteen white roses upon the heads of Jesus and Mary. According to St. Bonaventure, all the angels in heaven unceasingly call out to her: "Holy, holy, holy Mary, Virgin Mother of God." window.Mobvious = {}; Carmelite The ignorant are instructed;9. Pray for us sinners, thou who art always filled with compassion for those in need, who never despise sinners or turn them away, for without them you would never have been Mother of the Redeemer. There are two reasons for doing this: first of all, to honour the three crowns of Jesus and Mary Jesus crown of grace at the time of his Incarnation, his crown of thorns during his passion, and his crown of glory in heaven, and of course the three-fold crown which the Blessed Trinity gave Mary in heaven. var source = getCookieWithoutJQuery("source"); Are you in sorrow? } The Our Father contains all the duties we owe to God, the acts of all the virtues and the petitions for all our spiritual and corporal needs. But remember that at your left hand is the devil, ready to pounce on every Hail Mary that comes his way and to write it down in his book of death, if they are not said with attention, devotion, and reverence. Because our Ladys Psalter or the Rosary made up of the Our Father and Hail Mary is the direct work of the Blessed Trinity. April 28, 2021. As in the natural life a child must have a father and a mother, so in the supernatural life of grace a true child of the Church must have God for his Father and Mary for his mother. The living learn to resist spiritual decline;10. Saint Louis de Montfort. St. Louis de Montfort, quote from True Devotion to Mary, It is by her that He applies His merits to His members, and that He communicates His virtues, and distributes His graces. Of course, you cannot say your Rosary without having a few involuntary distractions; it is even difficult to say a Hail Mary without your imagination troubling you a little, for it is never still; but you can say it without voluntary distractions, and you must take all sorts of precautions to lessen involuntary distractions and to control your imagination. I would like to add that the Rosary ought to be said reverently, that is to say, it ought to be said as much as possible, kneeling, with hands joined, clasping the rosary. Louis de Montfort. It is she who uncovers our hidden plots, breaks our snares, and makes our temptations useless and ineffective. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("sid", "osid.1eb55932709bcdca039c5a4b54785369"); the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary retained its first fervour for a century after it was instituted by Saint Dominic. The artifacts include a rosary owned by Marie-Antoinette of France and a prayer book that belonged to a martyred courtier to King Henry VIII. INCULTURATION. What do the Saints Tell Us About Purgatory? Turn to Mary, for her name means also Sea of Bitterness which has been filled with bitterness in this world but which is now turned into a sea of purest joy in heaven, and she will turn your sorrow into joy and your affliction into consolation. Many Christians who call on her at the hour of death and who really ought to be damned according to our ordinary standards are saved by her intercession. That is to say, we must renounce the operations of the powers of our soul and the senses of our body. To be sure, she is the way to Jesus Jesus does not come to us via any other way. It is scarcely possible for me to put into words how our Lady esteems the Rosary and how she prefers it to all other devotions. Lets look at 21 of them from his works Treatise of True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, The Secret of the Rosary, and The Love of Eternal Wisdom. If, in accordance with what the Popes have said, one can gain a partial indulgence (for instance, of a hundred years) without gaining a plenary indulgence, it is not always necessary to go to confession and communion in order to gain it. var e = document.createElement("script"); e.src = ""; document.head.appendChild(e); incorruptible As a child he had a profound devotion to praying before the Blessed Sacrament. It does not owe you anything, and if it decides to take something from you it will. Similarly, sick people are not obliged to say the whole Rosary or even part of it if this effort might tire them and make them worse. Order Bulk SubscriptionsGet a discount on 6 or more copies sent to your parish, organization Recite your Rosary with faith, with humility, with confidence, and with perseverance. How To Use Your Rosary In The Battle Of Prayer St. Francis of Assisi . 5 St. John Bosco Quotes on Idleness Dont Be Idle in 2022, The word rosary means Crown of Roses, that is to say that every time people say the Rosary devoutly they place a crown of one hundred and fifty-three white roses and sixteen red roses upon the head of Jesus and Mary. However, if you are ill, you can, of course, say it in bed; or if one is travelling it can be said while walking; if, on account of some infirmity, you cannot kneel you can say it standing or sitting. Pope Saint Piux X said, The Rosary is the most beautiful and the most rich in graces of all prayers; it is the prayer that touches most the Heart of the Mother of Godand if you wish peace to reign in your homes, recite the family Rosary., The quotes below can be found in The Secret of the Rosary, True Devotion to Mary: with Preparation for Total Consecration, and The Saint Louis de Montfort Collection. The Rosary is a priceless treasure inspired by God. This is what St. Paul calls dying daily (1 Cor. "Events.SushiEndpoint": "", Your email address will not be published. St. Louis de Montfort, quote from True Devotion to Mary, It is an easy way. But you are not doing it, and so you yourself are guilty of the sins that they commit. !function(){function n(n,t){var r=i(n);return t&&(r=r("instance",t)),r}var r=[],c=0,i=function(t){return function(){var n=c++;return r.push([t,[],0),n,{}]),i(n)}};n._s=r,this.csa=n}(); more relevant and important. var url; He gives a sketch of his own life when drawing up a plan of life in his 'Letter to the Friends of the Cross' (Cf. He will not hesitate to stir up savage persecutions and set treacherous snares for Mary's faithful servants and children whom he finds more difficult to overcome than others., (13) Never will anyone who says his Rosary every day become a formal heretic or be led astray by the devil., (14) Never will anyone who says his Rosary every day be led astray. St. John Chrysostom says that we cannot be our Masters disciples unless we pray as he did and in the way that he showed us. He made an assemblage of all His graces and he called it Mary (Maria). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Apostle When we say Hallowed be thy Name, we worship Gods holiness; and we make obeisance to his kingship and bow to the justice of his laws by the words Thy kingdom come, praying that men will obey him on earth as the angels do in heaven. So much so, that the Almighty made her the sole custodian of his treasures and the sole dispenser of his graces. I say "in a perfect manner," because in thus consecrating ourselves to Him, we make use of the most perfect of all means, namely, the Blessed Virgin. Prayer is all the harder when it is, naturally speaking, distasteful to the soul and is filled with those annoying little ants and flies running about in your imagination, against your will, and scarcely allowing you the time to enjoy a little peace and appreciate the beauty of what you are saying. apstag.init({ "https://":"http://";i+=f?g:k;i+=j;i+=h;c(i)}if(!e.ue_inline){if(a.loadUEFull){a.loadUEFull()}else{b()}}a.uels=c;e.ue=a})(window,document); In short, we pray that all men may be holy because our God himself is holy. Amen. My experience visiting the 10 friaries of Padre Pio a journey that resulted in the book Following Padre Pio was a true adventure. St. Louis de Montfort had a special devotion to Mary. When we say bread we ask for that which is necessary to live; and, of course that does not include luxuries. node.parentNode.insertBefore(gads, node); Is to be reacieving updates reading them and praying the rosary every day, Your email address will not be published. [CDATA[ window.Mobvious.device_type = 'mobile'; You will then receive the benefits of the Confraternity just the same, sharing in the graces and merits of your brothers and sisters in the Rosary, who are saying it throughout the world. He studied theology in Paris. } The saints have said it faithfully and the Popes have endorsed it. } else { The Company of Mary was led for 39 years by Father Mulot who at first refused to join the Company due to being paralyzed on one side. God of my heart and my Portion, Christ Jesus, may my heart faint away in spirit and mayest Thou be my life within me! offer you some of the highlights. monetization of National Catholic Register RSS feeds is strictly prohibited. (function() { Trinity typical of the Information Age but is a habit disdained by some diehard readers. Even if you are on the brink of damnation, even if you have one foot in hell, even if you have sold your soul to the devil as sorcerers do who practice black magic, and even if you are a heretic as obstinate as a devil, sooner or later you will be converted and will amend your life and save your soul, if and mark well what I say if you say the Rosary devoutly every day until death for the purpose of knowing the truth and obtaining contrition and pardon for your sins. That is why, before doing anything else, priests should try to kindle a love of prayer in peoples hearts and especially a love of my Angelic Psalter. Secondly, we should do this so that we ourselves may receive three crowns from Jesus and Mary, the first a crown of merit during our lifetime; the second, a crown of peace at our death; and the third, a crown of glory in heaven. may the live coal of Thy love grow hot within my spirit, and break forth into a perfect fire; may it burn incessantly on the altar of my heart; may it glow in my innermost being; may it blaze in hidden recesses of my soul; and in the day of my consummation, may I be found consummated with Thee. True Devotion to Mary: with Preparation for Total Consecration, The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: From the Visions of Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich, The Saint Louis de Montfort Collection (7 books), The Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Litany of Loreto), The Devastating Consequences of Venial Sin, Dont Shun the Process: Eucharistic Processions and Reparation. "When the Holy Rosary is said well, it gives Jesus and Mary more glory and is more meritorious than any other prayer.". stylesheet.href = url; 121 We read. who share an affinity for books. St. Augustine . He is the author of Fruits of Fatima Century of Signs and Wonders. We implore our Mother's help always, everywhere, and for everything. And, my dear Catholic people, even if you fail to say your Rosary out of sheer carelessness or laziness, as long as you do not have any formal contempt for it, you do not sin, absolutely speaking, but you forfeit your participation in the prayers, good works and merits of the Confraternity. He has attached to it grace in this life and glory in the next. Finally, I shall content myself with saying, in company with Blessed Alan de la Roche, that the Rosary is a source and a store-house of countless blessings: 1. Your email address will not be published. You had better get on with other things. They shall carry on their shoulders the bloody standard of the Cross, the Crucifix in their right hand and the Rosary in their left, the sacred Names of Jesus and Mary in their hearts, and the modesty and mortification of Jesus Christ in their own behavior. The number of Latinos who identify as Catholic has declined by 24% since 2010, with the biggest decline seen among young Latinos born in the country. July Feast Days _Q: [] He discovered that whenever he took it off the devil tormented him cruelly, so he resolved to wear it night and day. Each time that members say the holy names of Jesus and Mary devoutly: seven days indulgence; 5. All true children of God have God for their father and Mary for his mother; anyone who does not have Mary for his mother, does not have God for his father. The living learn to resist spiritual decline ; 10 ; 10 you not... 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