The system initiates the first set of calls from where it left off for all subsequent calls in order to provide for equitable rotation, where possible. Substitute Quick Reference (SmartFindExpress Substitute Calling System and Web Center - Continued Select the day of the week PRESS 1 for Monday thru Friday PRESS 2 - 8 for Sunday thru Saturday (2=Sunday, 3=Monday, 4=Tuesday, 5=Wednesday, 6=Thursday, 7=Friday, This website is currently being redesigned to comply with both Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Issue resolved for tuning on text message job offerEnhancement to show only Single sign on based on District preferences, This app could not be any more frustrating! We respectfully acknowledge that we are situated on the traditional territories of the Cree, Ojibway, Oji-Cree, Algonquin peoples and the Mtis who have chosen to settle in this area. On another note, you can download the mobile App to your phone from your account or the Apple and Google stores. startxref
Click a check mark in each of the boxes and click delete at the bottom. Current version if you are both an employee and a substitute. %%EOF
You will then be prompted what to press to hear the assignment details and to either accept or decline the assignment. PDF fileSmartFindExpress Substitute User Guide Version 2.5 May 2014 . For additional information about the App, see the SmartFind Express Mobile App User Guide at the bottom of this page. You will then be prompted to input your employee number (Access ID), followed by the star (*) key and then your PIN, followed by the star (*) key. You can access SFE by calling (410) 427-3031. The developer provided this information and may update it over time. Whatever changes or updates they made really messed things up. Issue resolved for tuning on text message job offer. I have tried everything! Click the Details link for a job to DKIx#D:KfXp6RhQR,*S$pLWeF+:` 3aRPRb*4eX,bd/j$ oX|vD!M/rD&`a}8Uo X00s= It takes forever to load and 80% of the time Im receiving an Unexpected Exception message and the available jobs wont display for hours (the website is just as bad). Updating to the newest versions on my phone, uninstalling and reinstalling, etc. 1015 0 obj
Press 1 To Repeat The Job Information. If a system operator does not answer immediately, leave a message and your call will be returned as quickly as possible. This is a terrible app. I REALLY REALLY hope my district will consider switching to another hosting platform like frontline, because this app is so comically horrific that it feels like theyre actively trying to prank us. 2y.-;!KZ ^i"L0-
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B cc`a,FS|k-TTbVPe HELPFUL HINT: Press the star (*) key for the system to wait up to 2 minutes if someone else answers the phone or you need to locate your Pin number. Monday to Friday between 5:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays between 12:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. It is important to keep this up to date to avoid possible missed work opportunities or alternatively, unnecessary calls/job offers made to you by the system. 3. Therefore, you should advise all members of your household that if the system calls, they need to press the star (*) key. 0000001094 00000 n
Ugh! SmartFindExpress Substitute System Log in to the SmartFindExpress at eSchool Builder With System Presentation MILL VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT.The Mill Valley School District as implemented a web based version of eSchool Solutions sub finder system called SmartFindExpress (SFE). 17600 locally or toll-free at 1-800-381-7280 ext. This password is used only for logging into Smartfind Express on the computer/Mac, on an ipad/tablet, or iphone/android by going to the DSBONE website and clicking on the link Log into SmartFind Express at the top of this page. 17600 during regular business hours. The system has a feature that is designed to provide up to two minutes to allow you to get to the phone and enter your employee number and PIN. It makes me want to flush my phone down the toilet. As of July 24, 2021, significant changes have been made to the appearance and user interface of SmartFind Express. Qualified Occasional Teachers are called on a rotational basis according to the Collective Agreement. V)gB0iW8#8w8_QQj@&A)/g>'K t;\
$FZUn(4T%)0C&Zi8bxEB;PAom?W= Supported browsers: Chrome: Mozilla Firefox: Safari: Microsoft Edge The web address is You will be left with thebuttons. Search Only Human Resources and Talent Development, Employee Health, Wellness, and Benefits sandbox, Helpful Information for Current Substitutes, New Text Message Job Offers Feature as of May 16, 2022, If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may. 0000001934 00000 n
If you do not have an email address attached to your SmartFind Account you will need to contact the Substitute Help Desk at 702-799-5420. 0000004507 00000 n
samsung rs2530bbp xaa 00 refrigerator owner's manual, standard horizon cp190i cpf190i owner manual. For more information, see the developers privacy policy. The system will disconnect and record the call as a "No Answer". Our school district needs substitute teachers. Beneath this user guide, you will also find the "SmartFind Express Quick Reference Guide" and the "SmartFind Express Mobile App User Guide.". You can email: or call 740-342-3502 Ext. Click the Search Tips link for how to enhance search experience. Yes. I reccomend logging onto the website and deleting your number from your account altogether. Yes. 0
All Rights Reserved. Your ACCESS/EMPLOYEE ID and PIN are required to access the system via telephone. Constantly. LogOn | SmartFind Express | PowerSchool Greetings Substitute Teachers! and nothing is working. When the system calls, you must say "hello" or some other form of greeting as the system is voice activated. Click the Search Tips link for how to enhance search experience.Search Tips. And its not like theres a minute or even a few seconds of inactivityIll be actively trying to move as fast as humanly possible to finish what I need to do before getting logged out but every 30-60 seconds Ill click on something and get the dreaded screen with the long error message and forced back to the district selection page. x- [ 0}y)7ta>jT7@t`q2&6ZL?_yxg)zLU*uSkSeO4?c. R
-25 S>Vd`rn~Y&+`;A4 A9 =-tl`;~p Gp| [`L` "AYA+Cb(R, *T2B- You will need to register for a PIN by calling the SmartFind automated line at 702-728-2763 and follow the prompts to record your name and select a PIN. There is never a call time one would want to be spammed like this. Web the app will give you functionality on your mobile device. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. sdusd > 705-360-1151 ext. SmartFind Express Mobile connects you with k-12 substitute teacher job openings so you don't have to stop what you're doing to pick up a new job. I cant set my availability, scroll through available jobs, literally ANYTHING without getting randomly logged out in the middle of using the app. Smartfind express 2.0 substitute user guide december 2010 eschool solutions proprietary. Your user/access id is your scps. Call our SmartFind Express Administratorat
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WXXt=*SM{E'GFNs;Pd,[-~2d\_y}~Z8f^ 7mIrF]X6 vGCkhV]vy;x)oyJ6F Reference Guides above.
Can schools request a specific casual employee for an assignment? Click New now. If a system operator does not answer immediately, leave a message and your call will be returned as quickly as possible. Web it is very important that all substitutes are aware of online tutorial for smartfind express. If you need the LCPS location code, it is HJJC. hbbd```b``"u,)l#L The developer, PowerSchool Group LLC, indicated that the apps privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. If you forget or misplace your ACCESS ID/EMPLOYEE ID you may obtain this information from your site office manager or by logging into HCM.CCSD.NET and selecting the personal details tile. Starting Monday, May 16, 2022, SmartFind Express (SFE) will be launching a new feature of Text Message Job Offers. I quite literally had my voicemail box full for weeks and didnt know because once I blocked the number, the calls werent showing up butcould still leave voicemails. Employees report absences in SmartFindExpress Substitutes view vacancies and pick up jobs in SmartFindExpress LOG-ON to SmartFindExpress 702-799-CCSD. Sfe will prompt you to record your name. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA
Learn More BY NEED hb```@(*2?iO:~m;vr6{ZBuL\v\yqt-Qv_nA/N`h`0`` 8Xb q9|>a` 0j11h;\`!Zx)kr74Homat8~cM0xLsp
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As soon as the call is answered, the individual who answers must press the star (*) key. %PDF-1.5
Enter a start and end date and appropriate times, if not full days. 0000007465 00000 n
Need help? HtUnF}W Gw9*Wu8 To do this click on the "Unavail Dates" tab and click new. You must then remember to change it back when you return home. For other questions, please call your county contact person. N')].uJr Its infuriating. Advanced Studies; Advanced Learning Pre-K -12; Alternative Education; AVID; Co-Curricular Clubs/Offerings; Collaborative Decision Making; Global Connections You will now be in a screen that will allow you to specify your time of availability. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out Bonnie Robertson or call 571-252-1675. If for some reason you are unable to access your paystub, you can contact the Smartfind Express Administrator, indicated in the yellow box above, and leave a message by email or a voice message by phone. 68 18
Search all LCPS sites OR limit search using the radio buttons below. K t g*d`0nU
Password = Select Forgot Password and enter your Lawson Employee ID First time users need to register by calling 980-819-4422 Your connection to SmartFind will timeout after 20 minutes of inactivity. Text Message Job Offers have been added to assist substitutes in finding and accepting the jobs and assignments that best fit their availability. SmartFindExpress 2.5 Substitute User Guide May 2014 eSchool. Occasionally the system will recognize an answering machine voice as the voice of someone directly answering the telephone so it is possible that you may get a partial message from SmartFind but the system will disconnect. SmartFind Express Quick Reference Guide for Employees and Substitutes Certificated Substitute Compensation Rates Certificated Substitute Compensation Rates (Effective - October 16 2022 - June 15 2023) SmartFind Express Phone: (916) 512-8568 Benefits Information SmartFind Express Board Agendas School Calendars Covid-19 News LCAP FACE Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). sign in with. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience and security. Web for assistance with smartfind express mobile app contact your campus technology coordinator (ctc). ltG]^DK.3gw?m$|7e6/K }& (VCok:M w@!rFA=^$[P7i
o6b]p}^\%$*tYK6I$J7*X};FI`{ip 5e};=n8BgrA4d]sQ%V I ended up blocking the number altogether while I was getting spammed at dinner, BUT even that didnt work. Easily find and accept substitute jobs on the go with SmartFind Express. You will need to go into the system and modify your availability so that the system does not call you. LogOn | SmartFind Express | PowerSchool. Your ACCESS ID/EMPLOYEE ID will be located under your name towards the top banner. Contact your system administrator with any changes. For additional information about the app, see the. Welcome to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools' SmartFind Express System User ID = Lawson Employee ID. endstream
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Web smartfindexpress employee user guide. LogOn | SmartFind Express | PowerSchool. 2. 4 WHEN YOU CALL SMART FIND Smart Find will ask you to Enter your ACCESS ID, followed by the STAR (*) KEY, and Enter your PIN, followed by the STAR (*) KEY. Sfe will prompt you to record your name. trailer
0000003053 00000 n
Early Childhood Educational Opportunities, Board Policies and Guidelines (protected), Criminal Background Checks/Fingerprinting, OPENING DAY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION, School Safety Legislation: Self-Reporting Requirements, SmartFindExpress - Substitute Employee Mgt System, Student Teacher/Intern/Observer Procedures, Health Care Contribution Refund Information, Instructional Resource & Technology Center - REMC 19 East, Production Area (Teacher Production Area), Monroe County Educational Television (METV), TieNet/PowerSchool Special Education (PSSE). QuickTime is needed to view videos. Smartfind Express HRMS Unified Insights Risk Analysis Data-as-a-Service Connected Intelligence Higher Education PeopleAdmin Solutions Unified Solutions Simplify workflows, get deeper insights, and improve student outcomes with end-to-end unified solutions that work even better together. This is the SmartFind Express Mobile App for substitutes. h@DRX
Kb>^wgh://O|^_ww'K&sbAB?ms+\}}EUia(L The Sub Program team under the Talent Acquisition department will be responsible for providing assistance or answering questions related to this application. For more details on registering, please refer to page 1 on one of the two Reference Guides below: Contact us by email at Welcome to SmartFindExpress, a service providing internet access to the Substitute Employee Management System (SEMS) for employees and substitutes. n3kGz=[==B0FX'+tG,}/Hh8mW2p[AiAN#8$X?AKHI{!7. Welcome to the Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center SmartFind Express Substitute System. 0000007176 00000 n
WHERE TO START To Login: 1. b
/i To do this, click "Schedule". I truly despise and resent you, SmartFind express. finished recording, press the star (*) key. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. 1071 0 obj
17600 locally or toll-free at 1-800-381-7280 ext. Here is the sign on screen. Clark County School District
2021 Clark County School District.
[gh^.R~C:GWO$qUYxCql Help Desk hours are 6:00 am to 5:00 pm. Other subs are also having similar issues. Quick Information Sheet or
Enter your Access ID, followed by the star (*) key. The system will begin calling at 6:30 am until half-way through job start times. 0000002529 00000 n
First time using the Sub Call System * All users must register by phone (703.794.2489) before accessing the SFE website. May 2014 1 SMART FIND EXPRESS Employee Step by Step User Guide System Phone Number 754-212-8164 Help Desk Phone Number 754-321-2320 Write your Access ID here Web if you receive a call from smartfind express or see any jobs for. Welcome to SmartFindExpress (SAMS) Your User/Access ID is your Employee Number without the leading zeros.Your Employee ID number is located on your pay statement which you may view through Employee Access. SmartFind Express is the system used for the assignment and deployment of substitute personnel within the Clark County School District. You can go into the system and modify your call back number to where you want the system to contact you. Substitute Orientation Video. You will see Delete below the Schedule List. Welcome to Baltimore County Public Schools' SmartFindExpress (SFE)! Call 740-721-4005 to access the substitute system by phone 24 hours a day 7 days a week . Subs please view the following video to learn how to use the SFE system. You will see job offer messages on your cell phone from SmartFind Express (SFE) to the cell phone number that we have listed in your SFE profile. 1170 0 obj
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You can enjoy free and convenient access to a list of available daily substitute teacher job openings through the new PowerSchool SmartFind Express mobile app. Job listings are preceded by a "Details" or "In Callout" link. 1036 0 obj
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No. 0000001223 00000 n
Welcome to the Albuquerque Public Schools SmartFindExpress system ! Your ACCESS/EMPLOYEE ID and PASSWORD are required to access the system via computer or any other device. Once registered, employees may access SmartFind Express by phone or web browser. endstream
1152 0 obj
<. For example, if you work mornings Monday through Friday, you will need to alter your availability so that the system knows you are available in the afternoons. You simply need to click on the box, which inserts a checkmark, to the left of "Call for future assignments" whether you are adding or modifying your unavailability time. If you are on maternity or parental (or any other form of long term approved leave of absence), you will need to set your unavailability period by logging into your profile in SmartFind Express (SFE). finished recording, press the star (*) key. Please click on the following links to view videos on how to register and use SmartFindExpress: Employee Orientation Video. MCPS Substitute Employee Management System. SmartFind Express is an application that provides automated callout and online absence management to quickly fill openings with substitutes. SmartFind Express on the App Store This app is available only on the App Store for iPhone. You would pick something that would be easy for you to remember. Substitute Employee Management. 17600 during regular business hours. endstream
Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience and security. Supported browsers: Chrome: Mozilla Firefox: Safari: Microsoft Edge If you are interested in making some extra money, are a stay-at-home mom that wants to be more involved, a retiree . Substitute nurses are required to maintain a valid Arizona IVP Fingerprint . Go to that email and click on it reset your password. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Providing internet access to the Substitute Employee Management System (SEMS) IF YOUR EMPLOYEE ACCESS ID (EMPLOYEE #) IS THE SAME AS YOUR PIN, YOU WILL NEED TO CALL THE PHONE SYSTEM AT 505-288-3684 TO CHANGE YOUR PIN. xref
Calls are made based on search rules that have been developed by the system operators based on the language in the Collective Agreement. 1191 0 obj
If you do not have an email address attached to your SmartFind Account you will need to contact the Substitute Help Desk at 702-799-5420. hbbd```b``> "HZ>, `J0"AdY0m9 6X` w @&F>F50 6Y
Forgot Password? endstream
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Simply enter your Access ID, then below the Submit button, click on "Forgot Password?" New! HyTSwoc
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Contact us by email at To log in toSmartfind Expressfor the first time, you must register by calling 1-855-704-8360. Open your internet browser and access the smart find express site. :(. A link is available on this page for your convenience. Open your internet browser and access the smart find express site. LearnMore. 6.When the system asks for your PIN, enter Managed eSchools/SmartFindExpress substitute system Monthly bank reconciliations and journal entries Created Guidelines for Hourly Employees and Substitutes Created Onboarding Checklist per. Chief Human Resources Officer Lisa M. Boland. Ss(wB;&~MFqaN% G Supported browsers: Chrome: Mozilla Firefox: Safari: Microsoft Edge Issue resolved for tuning on text message job offer,, No. Call 1-855-319-1830. That's why we are asking for your help. Help Desk hours are 6:00 am to 5:00 pm. Secondary Student Athletics and Activities, Cdigo de Conducta Estudiantil K-12 (PDF), Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (NIAA), Assembly Bill 195 - English Language Learner Division, Curriculum and Professional Development Division, Assessment, Accountability, Research & School Improvement, Family and Community Engagement Services (FACES), Reopening Our Schools Implementation Guide (PDF), Policy 5139 Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion.
4P3. 0000001014 00000 n
The system will send an email to your email address that you have set up in your profile. No. Apparently, blocking a number on an iPhone will still allow them to leave a voicemail. 85 0 obj<>stream
It logs you out in the middle of using it CONSTANTLY. (864) 422-2300. sign in with %%EOF
Employees report absences in SmartFindExpress, Substitutes view vacancies and pick up jobs in SmartFindExpress. SmartFindExpress 2.5 Substitute User Guide May 2014 eSchool Solutions Proprietary Documentation - Company confidential/Do Not Distribute 7 2. The following data may be collected and linked to your identity: The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity: Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. THESE CANNOT BE THE SAME. Use these templates to prepare the substitute teacher guide:. Search all LCPS sites OR limit search using the radio buttons below. User ID. Their service will spam your phone with phone calls (I received 20 calls in less than 20 minutes). If you see anything on this site that does not comply with either Act please notify us immediately so we can correct the problem. Enjoy flexibility when scheduling your work and an. Teachers are able to place the request and then let the automated system find the next available substitute without additional work for the teacher mamking the request. MAIN MENU 1. REVIEW OR CANCEL ASSIGNMENTS 3. REVIEW OR MODIFY CALLBACK (TELEPHONE) NUMBER 4. REVIEW OR MODIFY TEMPORARY DO NOT CALL TIME 5. REVIEW OR MODIFY UNAVAILABLE DATES 6. REVIEW OR MODIFY DAILY AVAILABILITY Refer to the
Once saved, you will see your new Schedule List. Guest teachers have a 20 job minimum requirement as well as the completion of all online occupational health. Please contact Paula Hamilton at 304.923.0784 or Charlie Phillips, 304.923.0918, if you are having technical issues with the sub calling system. Go to Information for Current Substitutes for a complete list of resources! 68 0 obj <>
What's New Version History Version 23.2.3 Explore Unified Solutions Why PowerSchool? Your employee number can be found on your paystub. Connect with our Recruitment Team today to get the process started. Password: Your password is alphanumeric and at least 8 characters in length made up of one upper case letter, some lower case letters, numbers and if you would like, a special character. P>;p& 0000000656 00000 n
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We know we live and work in a community that consistently displays compassion, love, and most of all, family. 3. smartfind substitute user guide. 1151 0 obj
Your ACCESS ID/EMPLOYEE ID will be located under your name towards the top banner. "F$H:R!zFQd?r9\A&GrQhE]a4zBgE#H *B=0HIpp0MxJ$D1D, VKYdE"EI2EBGt4MzNr!YK ?%_&#(0J:EAiQ(()WT6U@P+!~mDe!hh/']B/?a0nhF!X8kc&5S6lIa2cKMA!E#dV(kel
}}Cq9 SmartFindExpress Mobile Substitute User Guide April 2019 PowerSchool Proprietary Documentation - Company confidential/Do Not Distribute 7 Information View your current status in the system and your address. To phone-in an absence or view vacancies, please call 734.242.5356 for further instructions. If your position requires a substitute when you are absent, you will use the ACCESS ID/EMPLOYEE ID that has been assigned to you in order to obtain your account. 0
0000002451 00000 n
If you are only available certain hours each day then uncheck the "All Day" box beside "Available for Assignments, then indicate the specific start and end times you are available in the boxes to the right provided. 0000003995 00000 n
2. The system displays the list of available jobs. SmartFindExpress - Substitute Employee Mgt System Welcome to SmartFindExpress, a service providing internet access to the Substitute Employee Management System (SEMS) for employees and substitutes. Your employee number will be emailed to your email address you provided in your profile. Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region, and age. You can do this by phone or web browser. Submit. Web for assistance with smartfind express mobile app contact your campus technology coordinator (ctc). All DSB1 employees must report their absences and request substitutes through SmartFindExpress. Out in the middle of using it CONSTANTLY system does not answer immediately, leave message. Job offer via computer or any other device n samsung rs2530bbp xaa 00 refrigerator owner manual. 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