Rhode Island Department of Fish & Wildlife, State Agency: Express your fandom with a framed jersey. Still, it might be the ideal system for someone else with different circumstances or preferences. When I first installed these grips on my .357 Mag. Herretts, PachmayrCompac and (below) the new Ergo Delta. Its simply faster for me than anything else, and while longer than other speedloaders, it conceals perfectly in the cell phone pocket of cargo shorts or upright in the outer corner of a hip pocket (a folding handkerchief holds it in place). (IV) Winners must undergo a background check (if required) and comply with all other federal, state and local laws. Copyright 2023 National Rifle Association, Todays "I Carry Spotlight" is on some of the many grip possibilities possible with the, Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics, Volunteer At The Great American Outdoor Show, Marion P. Hammer Women Of Distinction Award, Women's Wildlife Management / Conservation Scholarship, National Youth Shooting Sports Cooperative Program, I Carry: S&W Model 642 in a Dark Star Gear Apollo Holster, I Carry: S&W Model 638 in a Kramer Leather Pocket Holster, I Carry: Beretta M9 in a Galco Fletch Belt Holster, I Carry: S&W M&P Bodyguard in a Mitch Rosen Ankle Holster, I Carry: Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 38 in a DeSantis Flex-Tuk Holster, A Slow .357 Mag. Select the type of item you want to frame. Thanks for the tip-off on BK adapters! 2016 to 2023 RevolverGuy.com, All Rights Reserved. //gunsmagazine.com/company/herrett-s-stocks-inc/, Hogue Grips //gunsmagazine.com/company/crimson-trace-corporation/, Cylinder & Slide, Inc. 20150319_093037 by Slick_Rick77, on Flickr. Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, State Agency: Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. Plus, theres something about a grip adapter that makes it look right on an older gun. on Model 342 .38, XS Big Dot front and U-notch rear on Model 340 M&P .357. (800) 347-1200 Contest open to U.S. residents only. Dallas was added to the JONDO network in October 2019 and houses our central US textile production line. The three best J-Frame courses I can recommend are taught by Michael deBethancourt in Massachusetts, Denny Reichard in Indiana and Claude Werner in Georgia. My favorite original-equipment grips are the old GP100 rubbernwood design. The shrouded hammer models in particular allow firing at close range through coat pocket or purse. No purchase necessary. on Model 342 .38, XS Big Dot front and U-notch rear on Model 340 M&P .357. Missouri Deptartment of Conservation, State Agency: JONDO Wholesale Bulk Canvas Prints For Retail. Winners will be notified by certified mail on official letterhead. Order Your Copy Of The GUNS Magazine December 2014 Issue Today! Pachmayr 63030 Renegade Wood Laminate Pistol Grips, Smith & Wesson K&L Frame, Rosewood, Smooth, Hogue 60900 S&W J Frame Round Butt Grip, Rosewood, Pachmayr American Legend Smith and Wesson J Frame Grip, Hogue J Frame Round Butt Bantam Coco Bolo, Hogue S&W J Frame Round Butt Rubber Monogrip, Pink, Hogue 63300 Wood Grips PAU Ferro, Smith & Wesson J Frame Square Butt, Hogue Monogrip Rubber Grip Black S&W J Frame, Crimson Trace LG-350 Lasergrips with Heavy Duty Construction and Instinctive Activation for Smith & Wesson, J-Frame Round Butt, Defensive Shooting and Competition, Hogue S&W J Frame Round Butt Grip (Bantam Piranha G-10 G-Mascus), Pachmayr, Diamond Pro Grip, Fits Taurus P-Defender Poly, Black, Z ZLJUAN gun safe with biometric fingerprint lock, The Ultimate Revolver Holster by 1791 Gunleather, Hogue Hunting Grip Colt Detective Special/Diamond Back (48000), Carbon Fiber Camera Tripod Mini Travel Compact Tripod, with 360 Spherical Head with Mobile Handle, Aluminum Fast Loading Plate, Bearing 8KG, Maximum Height of 50.5cm, Folding Height of 32cm. Dont want to mail in your item? In addition to this, the FedEx regional distribution hub is only a short distance away, ensuring that our custom printed products are delivered on time. These skinny grip frames didnt give much purchase to control the gun during recoil, and they also didnt work very well for shooters with normal-to-large sized hands, who quickly ran out of space to put all their digits. //gunsmagazine.com/company/eagle-grips/, Ergo Grips 05. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. Youre rightthe 85 is a solid gun, and probably the best Taurus ever. They still feel great in the hand. Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. S&W J Frame Grip Adapter Ivory. Secret Service, Herretts, Pachmayr Compac and (below) the new Ergo Delta. Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, State Agency: Employees and agents of Publishers Development Corp. are not eligible. $42.99. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. The target stocks made grip adapters unnecessary, and as they became more popular in the 60s and 70s, the market for grip adapters began to fall off. JONDOs newest printing facility in Lawrenceville, GA enhances our East Coast coverage with 40,000 square feet of production space. Contest void where prohibited by law. TRYBE Defense M-LOK & Key-Mod Handstop, Black, HNDSTP1-BK $32.99 $25.99 Save Up to $45.59 . Big fan of Tyler T-Grips. The sharply checkered panels allow for continuous gun control while shooting. Click to contact us or email customercaremcf@michaels.com, Get 15% off when you sign up for our mailing list. All are heavy guns but thats what works for me currently with a Taurus 85 with Crimson Trace Grips. Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, State Agency: Factory Original J Frame Colt Trooper / Lawman Mk. In my S&W 638, any +P load is too muchI would just carry wadcutters in that gunno expansion but they do cut a full caliber wound channel and definitely penetrate enough. And, for those who scoff about electronics failing when you need them, thats why we practice and train. Yes, I have both and while they are not primary carry pieces they work fine for garden varmints around the farm. Glad youre still getting good mileage out of yours! The adapters help to fill the hand a little more, but theres a lot more material in a good set of stocks, and I find that I get a more comfortable and efficient fit with them. Box 488, Escondido, CA 92033. For a list of available products manufactured by these facilities, please contact us. Quality | BK Grips Steve "The Original Point and Click Interface Was a Smith & Wesson." . Pachmayr and Tyler-T (and now, BK) grip adapters helped, without changing the gun's concealability. Its an innovative compromise between concealability and shootability.We have barely scratched the surface of the grip options available for the Smith & Wesson J-frame, of course. Download A PDF Of The GUNS Magazine December 2014 Issue Now! If penetration is your priority, youll probably need to favor the heavier projectiles, unless youre willing to put up with extremely high pressures (and attendant recoil). Of course, the trusty New York reloadanother loaded J-Frame elsewhere on your personis faster still! I have both Mershon and Tyler T-Grips on a couple of my revolvers. Or fastest delivery Wed, Mar 29. $99.99 + $17.40 shipping. It leaves exposed the stock circle at the top of the grip. A few years ago at our sister publication American Handgunner, editorial director Roy Huntington did a poll of his writers as to their preferred carry guns. Deployed military should use stateside address. My ideal now are small grips that do not compromise shooting .38 +p hollowpoints from a heavy snubbie (probably the Critical Defense Lites we keep in the 85, not +p, from a SS 649). Contest open to U.S. residents only. Opens in a new window or tab. There are situations where the original grips plus a grip adaptor is still the perfect solution. Ill resist the considerable urge to get into the bullet selection thread on this one. (I) Giveaway ends March 31, 2023. Start with your choice of J-Frame. New Listing Vintage Tyler T Grip Adapter #1 Aluminum for Smith & Wesson J Frame Revolver. //gunsmagazine.com/company/bianchi/, BK Grips Box 488, Escondido, CA 92033. Its good to hear that the BK adapter worked so well for you! No purchase necessary. Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winners. (800) 442-2406 (II) Limit one (1) entry per household; multiple entries will disqualify entrants. The in-line relationship between the trigger and finger would give better control and accuracy, particularly in the single-action fire that was popular at the time in the target shooting games. The three best J-Frame courses I can recommend are taught by Michael deBethancourt in Massachusetts, Denny Reichard in Indiana and Claude Werner in Georgia. (800) 323-6144 But as they say; Your Mileage May Vary , Well, Im glad you shared your thoughts re: ammunition in the SuperVel post, Jim! The best in the S&W catalog for my money are the XS Big Dot front with correspondingly large rear U-notch, found on the expensive-but-worth-it Model 340 M&P .357 snub. The answers encompassed everything from Glock to 1911, but the one common touchstone was virtually all of us had at least one J-Frame Smith & Wesson in their carry rotation, whether as primary or backup. Although marked "K" on the back, these also fit L frames. What ab, Today, take a moment to remember CHP Officers Alle, In addition to death and taxes, I can add two more, Dark Angel Medical looked at existing low-profile, Virtual reality has recently moved from gaming int, Contributor Matt Eagleston has made many additions, Happy 50th Anniversary, Streamlight! To protect the privacy and security of winners, names will not be made public. The majority of .38 Special loads arent tailored for the snubs, and you wind up having a bullet that dances on the lower margin of the velocity envelope where youll get reliable expansion from a JHP. Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. In each of the categories above, multiple options abound, often from the same manufacturer. These adapters did the same job, however, and filled the gap behind the trigger guard. The Ergo also has a Luger-like grip angle, locking the muzzle down to reduce muzzle rise, and Ive found it acceptably sized for trouser pocket carry. Design a custom frame to complete your canvas. Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources, State Agency: The Crimson Trace Model LG-405 laser grip gets my vote for the best balance of concealment and control. Instead, the grips anchored the J-frame to my hand and helped reduce the felt recoil. Released in the '50s, the three main iterations of exposed hammer, enclosed hammer and the. A new eyewear brand created with the outdoors in mind. Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. Choose a unique frame to compliment your one-of-a-kind artwork. You Have Got To Stop The Bleeding medical training and equipment, Adding Capability & Capacity Magazine Extensions, Knowing And Evolving From Our Foundations. Made in calibers including .22 LR, .22 WMR to .327 Federal Magnum and 9mm, the J-Frame is most commonly encountered as a 5-shot .38 Special or .357 Magnum on its extended .32-size frame. //gunsmagazine.com/company/bk-grips/, Crimson Trace Tuff Strips and Bianchi Speed Strips fit the watch pockets in jeans. Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, State Agency: Hogue Hunting Grip J Frame Round Butt Bantam, Cocobolo, Hogue Hunting Grip J Frame Square Butt No Finger Groove, Hogue Hunting Grip J Frame Round Butt Bantam, Kingwood, Hogue Hunting Grip J Frame Round Butt, Rosewood Stripe/Cap, Hogue Hunting Grip J Frame Square Butt, Rosewood Stripe/Cap, Hogue Hunting Grip J Frame Square Butt Finger Groove, The Poster Frame Experts, We only sell frames, Heavy-duty hinge with reinforced corner brackets, DIY wooden photo frame round square party ornament. Associated taxes and fees are the responsibility of winners. These adapters were used in conjunction with the existing stocks to change the feel of the gun, and the idea was popular enough that they were made by many companies. The LG-405 LaserGrips are nice if you wanna get a little more technical. The shrouded hammer models in particular allow firing at close range through coat pocket or purse. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. (800) 438-4747 Alabama Department of Conservation & Natural Resources. Snubby guru Michael deBethencourt turned me on to it. California Department of Fish & Wildlife, State Agency: Dont forget the 148 grain WCs. cylinder is already closing (above) as the 5-shot Jetloader (arrow) falls away, The original, tiny splinter stocks on early J-Frames tended to let the gun twist in the hand upon recoil. Indeed, Mike. It has become an excellent choice for concealed carry. MGW carries replacement cylinders, barrels, grips, hammers, pins, springs and other small parts for this small frame handgun which includes models like the 640, Bodyguard, 36, 60, 360, 649 and more. Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: GUNS Magazine, GOM May 2023, P.O. The back of the frame came down farther almost The advantages to the G10 composite material are its longevity and resistance to weather- and chemical-related damage, in addition to the varying degree of texture that can be added. Box 4843, Chino Valley, AZ 86323 The 85 does not deliver great follow-up shots when firing the full Critical Defense +p rounds. through Cylinder & Slide, aids illumination for this S&W 340 PD .357. Indiana Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: My carry load in a steel frame snub is the .38 Buffalo Bore 110 gr Barnes all copper HP. Wood grips do require a certain amount of care, such as removal before cleaning to avoid damaging with chemicals. I have actually carried with wadcutters in my gun and the Critical Defense standard pressure loads in my speed loaders. Parts listed here are specific to Smith & Wesson J Frame revolver models chambered in .357 Mag, .38 Special, .22 LR, 9mm or other calibers unless noted otherwise. Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: GUNS Magazine, GOM April 2023, P.O. Customize your art with different frame and mat options. Favorite. Your browser's Javascript functionality is turned off. I find I really like a Tyler T-grip with factory stocks (or custom slim stocks), not that I would pass up a deal on a set of Ropers! Associated taxes and fees are the responsibility of winners. Dymalux Walnut Boot Grip. Take advantage of its strengths, and shore up its weaknesses. Too many options in this cartridge offer pretty inconsistent performance from what Ive seen, which is a large part of the reason Ive moved away from carrying a .38. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. 1409 North Old Pendleton Road, . Picture Information. Up to 60 V or 8 A per channel. Some prized the rare adjustable sight version of the Chief Special because the sights were at least visible. (800) 423-3537 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, State Agency: The Tyler units are made from either aluminum or bronze, and the BK Grips units are made from molded polymer, but they all perform the same function. //gunsmagazine.com/company/d-l-sports/, Pachmayr Grips I would agree with the wadcutters, but you might also consider the Critical Defense standard pressure 110gr load. Youre probably not going to enjoy next weeks post, Im going to do a 10 foot, 158 gr shoot-off soon with wadcutters, Hornady std. Of late, Ive come to appreciate the new Ergo Delta grips, which seem to direct the recoil into the heel of the hand. The tapered barrel and rounded butt make it faster when drawing from ankle holsters (presuming you dont have a snag-prone hammer spur), and quicker to access and clear from a pocket. NEW/ OLD STOCK, - VINTAGE/ORIGINAL NORTH AMERICAN ARMS 22 LR GRIP MODEL NAA-HG-BK. Training is key. Mail In Your Art. Training is key. J-Frame grip progression (from left) include the factory splinter, Eagle (II) Limit one (1) entry per household; multiple entries will disqualify entrants. The answers encompassed everything from Glock to 1911, but the one common touchstone was virtually all of us had at least one J-Frame Smith & Wesson in their carry rotation, whether as primary or backup. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: Strategically located in the center of the United States, the Dallas facility encompasses 77,000 square feet of manufacturing space making it our largest facility to date. State Agency: One of the advantages of the J-frame is that grips more-precisely called stocks are easily replaced, allowing many options for anchoring the gun in the hand. JONDO Global is headquartered in our Yorba Linda, CA printing facility near Los Angeles. Use it to increase the security around your home, farm, cabin or even boat! They wont expand much, but theyll go the distance. I do use Tyler grip adaptors on a couple of revolvers and have always considered them to be a good option for some applications. Its kinda like putting oversized rims on the family sedanyou could do it, but it just wouldnt look right. The best in the S&W catalog for my money are the XS Big Dot front with correspondingly large rear U-notch, found on the expensive-but-worth-it Model 340 M&P .357 snub. American COP Magazine is a registered Trademark of Publishers Development Corporation. Good, low recoil option. The Tyler units are made from either aluminum or bronze, and the BK Grips units are made from molded polymer, but they all perform the same function. Track Orders Shopping Bag Sign In Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. J-Frames have limited capacity improved by good reloading practice. +1 colors/patterns. Contest void where prohibited by law. The J-Frame S&W is like any other tool. J-Frames have limited capacity improved by good reloading practice. Pachmayr Compact Professional Gun Grips w/ Open Back Strap for S&W, J Frame 03254 Gun Make: Smith & Wesson, Color: Black, $3.99 Off 4.9 rating with 9 reviews review & rate 1 Question & 1 Answer : Black Rubber Gun Type: Revolver Code: YR-GU-CPGSW-03254 MPN: 03254 UPC: 034337032540 $48.98 Save $3.99 $44.99 Add To Cart Availability is being updated. I personally find that the finger groove sometimes hits me in the wrong spot, and would prefer an adapter without one, but there are none in production without the groove, currently. Black, HNDSTP2-BK (5) $32.99 $27.99 Save Up to $45.59. Their .22 TCM, a shortened .223 round Got an under-employed trail camera? DAS1700 Series. The T-Grip is a great alternative to bulky plastic or rubber grips that push the palm of the hand out too much making it difficult to hold the weapon effectively. Take advantage of its strengths, and shore up its weaknesses. 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Factory warranties may apply in some cases. Choose from RGB, RGBW, white, and variable white LED strips. Better J-Frame sights include (left to right) the CTC laser grip, D&L sight set View cart for details. Opened in October 2021, this facility is located nearby Atlanta to service the growing market in the Southeastern United States. This page was last updated: 18-Apr 04:36. Built with Adapter and Grip 45A, VINTAGE/ORIGINAL NORTH AMERICAN ARMS 22 LR GRIP MODEL NAA-HG-BK. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: It was Peter Paul Mausers legendary autopistol that earned the sobriquet of broomhandle in this era for its unusual grip, but the Hand Ejectors didnt lag far behind in terms of poor ergonomics. More than just a printing facility, this location houses the Executive Staff, Product Research & Development, Software Development, Sales Outreach, Creative, Accounting, and Select Manufacturing. Here Mas cylinder (503) 368-5653 5490C Series. One benefit I have to concede is that the grip adapters allow better access for a speedloader than the vast majority of replacement stocks out there. HST were designed to fix this problem with the more traditional offerings. //gunsmagazine.com/company/smith-wesson/, Uncle Mikes NEW/ OLD STOCK, Leave feedback about your eBay search experience - opens in new window or tab. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, State Agency: Press Esc to close the window to close the search. If you stick with the splinter grips, and augment the frame with an adapter, your speedloader isnt going to have to fight its way into the cylinder like it does with many stock designs. From what I have seen and read this is one load that reliably expands and penetrates at least 12 out of a snub, even through clothing. Theyll go the distance to increase the security around your home, farm, cabin or even boat florida &. In each of the grip random drawing 340 PD.357 choose from RGB, RGBW,,... 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Sign up for our mailing list 27.99 Save up to $ 45.59 out of yours facility in,! 85 does not deliver great follow-up shots when firing the full Critical Defense standard pressure loads in my loaders..., 2023 & amp ; Key-Mod Handstop, Black, HNDSTP2-BK ( 5 ) $ 32.99 $ Save! Above, multiple options abound, often from the same job, however, and shore its... Some prized the rare adjustable sight version of the GUNS Magazine, April. It look right gun, and website in this browser for the next time I comment P.357 and... To Service the growing market in the Southeastern United States Orders Shopping Bag sign in Giveaway prizes may have of... Your personis faster still in each of the Chief Special because the sights were least. Need them, thats why we practice and train Employees and agents Publishers! Some applications probably the best Taurus ever based on product size and color email customercaremcf @ michaels.com, get %... 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