They are also sub leaders for the Realm of Gods team. The 1st anniversary hero is brought back to life by his EZA, Gogeta has a massive ATK stat thanks to his EZA, and his passive is modernized for a very respectable percentage amount. He also has very high stats and an amazing critical strike chance, that really helps with his overall Damage. 100% SSJ4 Gogeta Damage Test Formen UR, TUR 100%, Dokkan Mode, Crit DBZ Dokkan Battlel 100% SSJ4 Gogeta Damage Test . pch million dollar sweepstakes. Beerus EZA gave him a very functional passive, boosting his already high ATK and DEF stats and also giving him a separately stacking Buff after receiving an attack, the God of Destruction also gets a rage mode that can activate twice per battle and leaves him completely invulnerable to Damage for one turn, but his enraged ATK is fairly low compared to other Cards. Furthermore, you will also get an extra 30% off units like the Battle Of Fates. Unfortunately his multipliers arent high enough for him to be a strong Damage dealer. AUGUST 2022! The Future Androids boast a flat 170 percent boost to HP, ATK, and DEF for 'Worldwide Chaos' and 'Future Saga' teams, but that's not all. Should You Pull: DOKKAN NOW! Release Celebration, Should You Pull: Kale & Caulifla Legendary Summon, Awakened UR Indomitable Fighting Spirit - Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta Super TEQ, Awakened UR Resilient Will to Protect the Future - Trunks (Teen) (Future) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Final Super Power - Super Saiyan God SS Goku (Kaioken) Super STR, Awakened UR Transcendent Fusion - Super Saiyan Gogeta Super AGL, Awakened UR Unparalleled Golden Ki - Super Vegito Super AGL, Awakened UR Rousing Fighting Spirit - Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel) Super INT, Awakened UR Next-Level Strike - Super Saiyan God SS Goku Super AGL, Awakened UR Raging Counterattack - Super Saiyan Bardock Super AGL, Awakened UR The Supreme Warrior - Super Gogeta Super STR, Awakened UR Last-Ditch Battle - Android #17 Super PHY, Awakened UR Heroic Warrior - Gohan (Future) Super INT, Awakened UR Pinnacle of Fury - Goku Super STR, Awakened UR All-or-nothing Punch - Goku (Youth) Super INT, Awakened UR Kami and Demon King United - Piccolo Super PHY, Awakened UR A Will Beyond Time - Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) Super PHY, Awakened UR Decisive Kamehameha - Super Saiyan God SS Goku Super PHY, Awakened UR Limitless Combat Power - Super Saiyan Vegeta Super PHY, Awakened UR Observance of Pride - Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta Super AGL, Awakened UR Everything At Stake - Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta Super AGL, Awakened UR Victorious Smile - Pan (GT) Super AGL, Awakened UR Roar of Rage - Gohan (Kid) Super INT, Awakened UR Boiling Power - Super Saiyan Goku Super AGL, Awakened UR Sacred Power of Time - Supreme Kai of Time (Power of Time Unleashed) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Devastating Punishment - Beerus Super TEQ, Awakened UR Limit-Breaking Super Power - Super Saiyan 3 Goku (Xeno) Super STR, Awakened UR Transdimensional Instinct - Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-) Super INT, Awakened UR Absolute Power - Jiren Super STR, Awakened UR Strength Beyond Gods - Super Saiyan God SS Vegito Super TEQ, Awakened UR Striking in Harmony - Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth) Super STR, Awakened UR Mystery Super Technique - Super Saiyan 3 Goku Super AGL, Awakened UR Warrior's True Value - Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta Super STR, Awakened UR Peerless Gleam - Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta Super TEQ, Awakened UR Hope-Filled Strike - Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Goku Super TEQ, Awakened UR Victor of the Future - Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Interest in New Power - Caulifla Super TEQ, Awakened UR Universe's Bravest - Hercule Super INT, Awakened UR A Lesson in Good and Evil - Gowasu & Zamasu Super PHY, Awakened UR All-Out Resistance - Great Saiyaman (SS) Super STR, Awakened UR Roused Prince - Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (Xeno) Super PHY, Awakened UR Bonds Beyond Time - Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta Super TEQ, Awakened UR Furious Kamehameha - Super Saiyan Goten (Kid) Super STR, Awakened UR Shopping with Dad - Bulla Super TEQ, Awakened UR Newly Discovered Talent - Kale Super STR, Awakened UR Definitive Strength - Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta Super TEQ, Awakened UR Grim Reaper of Death's Rampage - Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks Super TEQ, Awakened UR Proudest Moment - Brianne de Chateau Super INT, Awakened UR Earnest Determination - Nail Super AGL, Awakened UR Hero Who Unites the World - Great Saiyaman 3 Super TEQ, Awakened UR Unmeasurable Super Combat Power - Super Saiyan 3 Gohan (Teen) Super INT, Awakened UR Phantom Majin Sealed Within - Tapion (Hirudegarn) Super AGL, Awakened UR Awesome Adaptability - Caulifla Super INT, Awakened UR Premonition of Rapid Growth - Kale Super TEQ, Awakened UR Umpire of Annihilation - Beerus Super STR, Awakened UR Power to Overcome Adversity - Mai (Future) Super INT, Awakened UR Outshining Darkness - Super Gogeta Super INT, Awakened UR Dreadful Super Fusion - Super Saiyan 2 Kefla Super PHY, Awakened UR Newly Acquired Chance - Android #16 Super INT, Awakened UR Unparalleled Super Saiyan - Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta Super AGL, Awakened UR Devastating Fusion Power - Super Saiyan Gotenks Super PHY, Awakened UR Ultimate Super Saiyan - Super Saiyan 4 Goku Super STR, Awakened UR Azure Omnipotence - Super Saiyan God SS Vegito Super PHY, Awakened UR Limitless Radiance - Super Vegito Super PHY, Awakened UR Superheated Super Power - Super Saiyan Goku Super PHY, Awakened UR Hidden Power Unleashed - Ultimate Gohan Super STR, Awakened UR Tomboy Troublemaker - Pan (GT) Super AGL, Awakened UR Heroic Victory Declaration - Super Saiyan Gotenks Super STR, Awakened UR Unexplored Talent - Gohan (Kid) Super INT, Awakened UR The Sign of Ultimate Evolution - Gohan (Teen) Super PHY, Awakened UR Risky Super Attack - Tien Super TEQ, Awakened UR Honest Admiration - Super Saiyan Cabba Super STR, Awakened UR Mark of Saiyan Strength - Super Saiyan 3 Bardock Super INT, Awakened UR Outburst of Emotions - Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta & Bulma Super STR, Awakened UR Magnificent Swordsmanship - Trunks (Teen) Super PHY, Awakened UR Ferocious Saiyan Prince - Super Saiyan Vegeta Super STR, Awakened UR Immaculately Innocent Approach - Chi-Chi (Youth) Super PHY, Awakened UR God's Effortless Controlling Aura - Super Saiyan God Goku Super TEQ, Awakened UR Potent Super Attack - Goku (Kaioken) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Power to Face Despair - Super Saiyan Gohan (Future) Super PHY, Awakened UR Mysterious Technique - Master Roshi Super TEQ, Awakened UR All-New Power - Super Saiyan 3 Trunks (Teen) Super AGL, Awakened UR Devastating Fighting Spirit of God - Super Saiyan God Vegeta Super STR, Awakened UR Desperate Showdown - Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel) Super AGL, Awakened UR Masked Master - Grandpa Gohan Super AGL, Awakened UR Innocent Friendship - Gohan (Kid) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Determined to Fight - Goku (Kaioken) Super PHY, Awakened UR Burning Hot Tenacity - Super Saiyan Vegeta Super TEQ, Awakened UR Intensely Trained Body and Mind - Super Paikuhan Super STR, Awakened UR Clutching Victory - Super Saiyan 3 Goku Super STR, Awakened UR Hero's Return - Ultimate Gohan Super PHY, Awakened UR Ultimate Power Surge - Ultimate Gohan Super INT, Awakened UR Exceptional Potential - Ultimate Gohan Super AGL, Awakened UR Technique and Inspiration - Krillin Super INT, Awakened UR Miraculous Kamehameha - Super Saiyan Goku Super STR, Awakened UR Onslaught of Fire and Fury - Dyspo (Super Speed Mode) Super AGL, Awakened UR Overcoming Mental Weakness - Bota Magetta Super INT, Awakened UR Power to Decimate - Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta Super TEQ, Awakened UR Power Beyond Right and Wrong - Toppo (God of Destruction Mode) Super STR, Awakened UR Shining-Gold Justice - Great Saiyaman (SS2) Super STR, Awakened UR Naught but Rampage - Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks Super PHY, Awakened UR Astounding Transformation - Super Saiyan 3 Goku (Angel) Super TEQ, Awakened UR New Power from Training - Super Vegeta Super INT, Awakened UR Hercule City's New Hero - Gohan (Teen) Super INT, Awakened UR Definite Path - Vados Super AGL, Awakened UR Well-Honed Body and Mind - Super Saiyan 2 Kale Super INT, Awakened UR Unyielding Kamehameha - Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen) Super AGL, Awakened UR Answers Found in Training - Super Saiyan Goku/Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Strike for Destiny - Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen) Super PHY, Awakened UR The Tiniest Top-Notch Hero - Vegito (Candy) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Victory Clincher - Goku (GT) Super STR, Awakened UR Zealous Offensive - Super Saiyan 3 Goku (GT) Super AGL, Awakened UR Invincible Battle Form - Super Vegeta/Super Trunks Super STR, Awakened UR Dynamic Flash - Super Saiyan 2 Goku (GT) Super PHY, Awakened UR Infinite Power - Borgos Super AGL, Awakened UR Ruffian's Strike - Shugesh Super PHY, Awakened UR Confidence-Oozing Struggle - Super Saiyan Trunks (Kid) Super AGL, Awakened UR A Shot at Victory - Piccolo Super STR, Awakened UR Little Great Saiyaman of Mystery - Trunks (Kid) (Great Saiyaman) Super AGL, Awakened UR Into the Final Phase - Gogeta Super STR, Awakened UR Endless Challenge - Goku (Youth) Super STR, Awakened UR Unstoppable Battle - Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel) Super STR, Awakened UR New Form and Resolve - Android #16 Super TEQ, Awakened UR Passion of the Warrior Race - Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta Super INT, Awakened UR To a New Future - Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) Super INT, Awakened UR Gentle Android's Ire - Hacchan Super STR, Awakened UR Life of the Party - Pan (GT) Super STR, Awakened UR Song of Love and Victory - Brianne de Chateau Super INT, Awakened UR Soaring Heart - Videl Super INT, Awakened UR Vow of Happiness - Chi-Chi Super STR, Awakened UR Awakened Berserker - Kale (Berserk) Super PHY, Awakened UR Hero on a Mission - Tapion Super TEQ, Awakened UR Cunning Moves - Fasha Super INT, Awakened UR Quietly Burning Spirit - Android #17 Super TEQ, Awakened UR The Power of a God Unleashed - Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta Super TEQ, Awakened UR Explosive Rage - Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth) Super PHY, Awakened UR Boundless Potential - Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla Super AGL, Awakened UR A True Master's Dignity - Piccolo Super PHY, Awakened UR Into the Fierce Battle - Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (GT) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Intensified Ki - Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta Super PHY, Awakened UR Valiant Resistance - Super Saiyan Gohan (Future) Super PHY, Awakened UR Vanguard Warrior's True Value - Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Teen) Super PHY, Awakened UR World-Saving Hero - Great Saiyaman 4 Super STR, Awakened UR The Spirited Golden Warrior - Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen) Super STR, Awakened UR Battle-Hardened Hero - Bardock Super STR, Awakened UR Exciting Adventure - Bulma (Youth) Super INT, Awakened UR God-Guided Path - Kami Super PHY, Awakened UR Guide to the New Beyond - Whis Super INT, Awakened UR Strike of Gratitude and Respect - Super Saiyan Goku Super AGL, Awakened UR Unwavering Will and Newfound Power - Super Saiyan Goku Super INT, Awakened UR Concentrated Spirit - Super Saiyan Goku Super STR, Awakened UR True Value of the Potara - Vegito Super TEQ, Awakened UR Power of Kindness and Courage - Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth) Super AGL, Awakened UR Zealous Roar - Super Saiyan Goku Super STR, Awakened UR Burning to the Last - Super Saiyan Goku (Angel) (Super Kaioken) Super PHY, Awakened UR Furious Instincts - Great Saiyaman (SS2) Super PHY, Awakened UR Heading for a Showdown - Super Saiyan 3 Goku (Angel) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Domineering Victory Declaration - Jackie Chun Super INT, Awakened UR Watchers of the Cosmos - Supreme Kai Super TEQ, Awakened UR Wise Warrior - Piccolo Super INT, Awakened UR Wayward God - Beerus Super INT, Awakened UR Young Saiyan Descendant - Super Saiyan Vegeta Jr. Super PHY, Awakened UR Struggle Beyond All Expectations - Super Saiyan Goten (Kid) Super AGL, Awakened UR Super Ghost Prank - Super Saiyan Gotenks & Ghost Super INT, Awakened UR Limitless Saiyan - Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (GT) Super STR, Awakened UR Unlimited Android Assault - Android #18 Super TEQ, Awakened UR Blazing Fusion Warrior - Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks (Teen) Super TEQ, Awakened UR A New Destination - Ultimate Gohan Super TEQ, Awakened UR Courage in the Heat of Battle - Super Saiyan Bardock Super PHY, Awakened UR Chance of a Super Evolution - Super Saiyan 2 Bardock Super STR, Awakened UR Drive to Win - Super Saiyan God SS Goku Super STR, Awakened UR Determined to Evolve - Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta Super AGL, Awakened UR New Realms of Saiyan Power - Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta Super STR, Awakened UR Becoming a Furious God - Super Saiyan God SS Goku Super AGL, Awakened UR Training and Refreshment - Goku Super PHY, Awakened UR Blast of Fury - Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen) Super INT, Awakened UR Energetic Fighter - Pandel Super INT, Awakened UR Blade of Hope and Dreams - Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) Super INT, Awakened UR Unwavering Conviction - Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) Super STR, Awakened UR Full-Power Salutation - Arale Norimaki Super PHY, Awakened UR Rapid Growth - Super Trunks Super INT, Awakened UR Talent's in the Blood - Pan (GT) Super PHY, Awakened UR Grand Tour Companion - Giru Super INT, Awakened UR Brains and Brawn Combined - Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) Super STR, Awakened UR Confidence-Imbuing Moment - Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) Super AGL, Awakened UR Power of Pride and Bonds - Super Saiyan 2 Cabba Super TEQ, Awakened UR Accelerated Battle - Super Saiyan God Goku Super INT, Awakened UR Flaring Battle Impulse - Super Saiyan God Goku Super AGL, Awakened UR Divine Power Within - Super Saiyan God Goku Super STR, Awakened UR Victory at Hand - Gotenks Super STR, Awakened UR Charming Girl's Dance - Super Ribrianne Super STR, Awakened UR Brave Pair - Gohan (Teen) & Videl Super INT, Awakened UR Indomitable Breakthrough - Videl Super STR, Awakened UR The Love to Light the Future - Mai (Future) Super AGL, Awakened UR Inborn Pride - Super Saiyan Trunks (Kid) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Polished Technique - Krillin Super STR, Awakened UR Irrepressible Impact - Mr. Buu Super TEQ, Awakened UR Awe-Inspiring Evolution - Super Saiyan Vegeta Super STR, Awakened UR Furious Assault - Android #18 (GT) Super STR, Awakened UR Inborn Fearlessness - Super Saiyan Goten (Kid) Super INT, Awakened UR Holy Ambush - West Supreme Kai Super STR, Awakened UR Saiyan Counterattack - Super Saiyan 3 Bardock Super AGL, Awakened UR Sword of Courage - Trunks (Kid) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Overwhelming Combat Strength - Vegito Super AGL, Awakened UR Unconventional Fusion - Whirus Super PHY, Awakened UR Thirst for the Spotlight - Majin Buu (Shape-Up) Super AGL, Awakened UR New Form on the Horizon - Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-) Super PHY, Awakened UR Melody of Courage - Tapion Super PHY, Awakened UR Passionate Sense of Duty - Great Saiyaman Super INT, Awakened UR Lovely Partner - Great Saiyaman 2 Super PHY, Awakened UR Furious Transformation - Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta & Bulma Super AGL, Awakened UR To a Faraway World - Super Saiyan 3 Goku Super INT, Awakened UR Mischievous Curiosity - Mighty Mask Super PHY, Awakened UR Ingenious Scheme on a Grand Scale - Bota Magetta Super STR, Awakened UR Ingenious Scheme on a Grand Scale - Bota Magetta Super PHY, Awakened UR Anticipated Super Power - Pan (Kid) Super AGL, Awakened UR All-Out Clash! It also features various elements from other genres, including board games, puzzles, and even some gacha mechanics. Hes usually a risky choice but still a great partner for other SSJ4s. Furthermore, you will also get an extra 30% off units like the, The leadership skill they both use is a replica of the TEQ characters. Kefla is the original Potara team leader, and a nuker with a lot of tricks up her sleeve. Namek Gohan is the type specific support for Super INT, on top of his powerful Ki, ATK and DEF Buff to all allies he can also triple stack his ATK stat. Combine this unit with a team of other Goku Black and Zamasu units for devastating results. Although his boost can sometimes be inopportune, this Turles has plenty going for him that makes him deserving of this spot. teq Gohan needs an EZA. He can launch many additional attacks each turn, and each attack he does will give him extra ATK, he also stacks ATK and DEF on Super ATK which means he scales very hard in long battles, but unfortunately he lacks meaningful defensive Buffs early on which makes it hard to rely on him a lot. With hundreds of available units across the Dragonball universe, it can be tough knowing which ones to groom in DBZ Dokkan Battle. How To Pick The Right AMD Ryzen CPU For Your PC, Valorant Agent Tier List The Best Agents To Use, Super Saiyan God SS Goku (Kaioken) & Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta, Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen) & Super Saiyan Goten (Kid), Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla & Super Saiyan 2 Kale, Super Saiyan Goku (Angel) & Super Saiyan Vegeta (Angel), Super Saiyan Goku / Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth). Having a complete Skill Sets, a stellar performance and amazing versatility are some of the characteristics of this tier. His EZA also gives him a massive ATK Buff when attacking a stunned enemy, which comes in handy from time to time considering Vegeta is also a good stunner himself. To reroll in DBZ Dokkan Battle, follow these steps. She can unreliably evade, debuff her enemy DEF with her Super ATK, and launch an additional attack every turn. For streamlining purposes, we ranked only the UR and LR units. This list was made to help new players select the best fighters for them. If you're facing a 'Movie Bosses' or 'Pure Saiyans' adversary, then you're in luck as Vegeta will also have a 70 percent chance to stun these enemies, nullifying their attacks. The most worthy characters in DBZ Dokkan Battle are, Characters that dont perform well as per our criteria and seem to interest most other players too include. These Cards are among the strongest URs in the game and are usually the backbone of their Teams. Thanks! Captain Ginyu of the Ginyu Corps serves as the venerable leader of the Ginyu Force during the Frieza Saga, being one of his most trusted lieutenants . The best way to play this Team is keeping Beerus and Beerus & Whis together on one rotation, and Super Saiyan Broly with Broly (Wrathful). With these individuals, winning a battle is quite difficult. He leads Super AGL, has massive unconditional Buffs to his already superb stats, can unreliably evade and counter enemy super attacks and debuff enemy DEF. When his guard is triggered, Gohan gains an additional 40 percent ATK for that turn, solidifying his offense. Each Tier List an be edited seperately. The compilation of our DBZ Dokkan Battle Tier List required a lot of time and work. Privacy Policy. However, the two main categories they use are, This fusion is particularly a powerful one that allows Vegeta and Goku to fuse into Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta as soon as the 4. turn starts. His transformation requires a Namekian ally which are sometimes hard to find, but increases his DEF potential and greatly boosts his Damage via critical hits. Yamcha is a top 5 if not arguably a top 3 55% dfe turs. He has a strong Ki, ATK and DEF Buff to all allies and can also double stack his ATK and DEF with his Super ATK, increasing his survivability a considerable amount. The 3rd-anniversary pairs are undoubtedly the strongest in the game. Cell saga Tien is the type specific support for Super TEQ. Categories Categories: Blog posts . Glenn_Vatista. Every single hero and villain in the game is ranked to help new players select the right character in this DBZ Dokkan Battle tier list. @FrankoGMZ Teq Hit definitely is a top 10 unit. Video Title: THE TOP 10 BEST DOKKANFEST TURS TIER LIST! He launches two guaranteed additional attacks, each of which has a 15 percent chance to be a Super Attack, cementing Vegeta's impressive value among his Pure Saiyan peers. Even if not, Vegeta also has a 50 percent chance to guard all attacks, lending itself perfectly to his passive and ensuring he stays alive to utilize these boosts. Santa Roshi. Option 9 wasn't that dramatic and it's too far to put in. These two are stacking monsters, building up their offense and defense with almost no effort, aided by an excellent passive skill that makes their maximum power attainable relatively early in the battle. Bulla is among the top pure support cards in Dokkan, she offers very high Ki and ATK Buffs, and also has good survival ability via evasion. Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle has a variety of characters or units to add to your category-based teams. You have to wait till they get their unique banner. RELATED: Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: How To Increase Team Cost. He also gets a guaranteed critical against stunned enemies, and has a DEF Debuff in his Super ATK. Additionally, Goku can also act as a sub leader for Bond of Master and Disciple teams. These Cards are still very strong but not quite there. Most of the units are SA 10. The MvP of Universe 7 is the premium 170% ATK and HP leader for the Androids team and brings in a very resourceful kit. Goku is the premium leader for the popular Super Saiyans and the niche Planet Namek Saga teams. He reduces all normal attack damage he takes by half, counters it, and also increases his own ATK every time he does this. Gogeta below Gohan, UIO Goku, Cooler, Frieza, and VB? His Rainbow Leader Skill is also viable for easier stages. While many of the most powerful units are Legendary (LR) rarity, there are numerous Transcended Ultra Rare (TUR) units that pack a serious punch. In contrast to most RPGs having turn-based combat mechanisms, Dokkan Battle does not need you to select your attacks from a typical menu. rankings are on the top of the list and the worst rankings are on the bottom. Gogetas transformation to SSB is simple, but incredibly strong, it boosts all of his passive effects, and allows him to double stack his Super ATK Buff. The original Vegito Blue can attack 1-2 extra times per turn, and also takes a bit less Damage and counters any normal attack against him with a powerful move. Gogeta has a stellar performance in any of his teams, his Buffs make him able to both tank and do Damage very well, and his trademarked Attacks Effective Against All Types passive effect guarantees that he will be relevant in almost all game modes. Tehreem is an empathetic writer who writes for the love of it. Released in 2015, "Dokkan Battle" is a free-to-play mobile game set in the Dragon Ball universe.Developed by Akatsuki and published by Bandai Namco, the game features characters from across the series' history, allowing players to create teams of fighters to battle through various stages. He has the usual powerful Ki, ATK and DEF Buff to all allies and can also lower enemies ATK with his Super ATK. . Trunks is among the best generic support for Super Class in Dokkan, with a single other Vegeta Family ally in his team (he already counts as one), he can take and dish out a respectable amount of Damage, while giving a great Support Buff to his allies. The symbol underneath a unit's portrait means that the unit is one of the possible leaders for that team, having a leader skill that provides ki and boosts two or three stats for that type/Category. Gohan can also be a sub leader for Kamehameha teams or a viable rainbow leader. 09 Apr 2023 15:00:01 , How could we improve this post? SSJ Goku loses some DEF but gets a DEF stacking Super ATK and a conditional guard all effect to more than compensate for it. On a player's main rotation, the duo of Beerus and Beerus & Whis will tank hits very well, cause obscene Damage, and Heal the Team for at least 7% if Beerus & Whis land a Super ATK. His passive gives all allies a boost of 3 ki and 40% attack. Sign-up for other newsletters here. Gogeta has a very versatile Leader Skill and Link Set and works well with all kinds of Super Class Cards, and even some Extreme ones. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for dokkan battle global ios 15 Lr endgame at the best online prices at eBay! He has previously worked with Games for Change, promoting games for social impact. So long as luck is on your side, it is feasible to score more than 12 points every round. Now with that out of the way, lets dive right in. Makes him deserving of this spot leader Skill is also viable for easier stages Skill is also viable for stages. Is on your side, it is feasible to score more than compensate for it winning a is. 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