Input from trigger module The function of the ignition coil is to multiply the voltage of the power supplied from the CDI, and to send the multiplied power to the spark plug. Copy. Usually leaves a pea-sized bump mark in the back of the CDI casing where the internal capacitor is located. You only need a digital multimeter that can properly give readings . The primary purpose of your scooter's ignition coil is to increase the low battery voltage at a high voltage that is needed by the spark plug. I would say no if the wiring is the same as above. If necessary, remove any plastic covers that may be covering the ignition coils. Kill at ignition switch has been bypassed. The plug is very rarely the cause of no spark on the GY6. Next, place the red or black lead from the meter to the centre of the coil , and to either one of the terminals positive or negative. So this means CDI is bad right? I have nothing coming from stator. It is an essential part of your motorcycle's ignition system. In other words, how do I test the black and green leads into the coil to see if power is coming from the CDI? How to block the handlebars of a scooter. I start by shorting solenoid, ordered new cdi this will be my 4th, given up for the moment, got me beat. Based on that information I thought the stator and pick up sensor were OK I re-connected the CDI box and measured the voltage to the coil and received 0 volts. Do you have a suggestions? Ignition Coil . When cranking the AC volts are between 3 and 13. Web disconnect the connector from the sensor and check the . I went out to start it today after having the battery on the trickle charger and when I turn the key in the ignition I get a buzzing sound. 6. i have a dongfang 50cc df50sst moped and someone cut all my wires from main harness and i need to rewire the whole thing the parts themselves still have a connector on them just got to run main harness to connect everything ign,lights,cdi,starter etc etc does anyone know where to get a harness to complete this and a diagram to follow or how to wire it myself, These are the list of my problems of my GY6. The starter relay (solenoid) chattering or hammering is an issue usually caused by low battery voltage. In this article we will show you how to test the high voltage coil of your scooter. Except no spark. What were really after is the other lead of brake switch, mark it. All rights reserved. I am working on a SunL 150 View our Privacy Policy here. The valve cover is best. Be sure to also connect your toggle switch to the kill wire or you wont be able to turn off the engine. Is your battery fully charged? The stator test might appear to be reading 0v, but in reality the trigger module could be fine. Disconnected the kill switch t the CDI. Replace any faulty coil after testing all the ignition coils. If your engine's idle RPM doesn't change, the coil for that cylinder is on its way out. Have you removed pin #5 (Kill Line) from the CDI plug while testing? The 150cc GY6 ignition system is fairly easy to troubleshoot in the case of malfunction. Early symptoms of backfires are sooty smoke from your exhaust, random engine knocking, and a strong fuel smell in the car. The transformer typically has only a dozen or so turns on the primary but many thousands on the secondary. Stator output: 20vAC minimum Heres a link to the guide:, I have a crossfire tomberlin 150 got a new switch dont know where wires go can someone help, Then just "flick" the wire on the supply terminal of the battery and you should get a spark. All you will need is a multimeter. Testing them tends to be relatively simple and involves the use of an ohmmeter. or faulty relay. I had a problem once thinking my frame was grounded but it wasnt or not very well at least. Also, I have no blue/yellow wire. The gap is determined by the amount of voltage generated by the ignition, spark plug gap, and the compression ratio. Set your multimeter to measure resistance (Ohms) and select the 20k resistance range. You can test the coil, but I don't think that is the problem. The high voltage output of the coil is directed to the appropriate spark plug . 2. Could this possibly be the CDI box? but the battery would not charge before. 1) Stator As I just talked about testing motorcycle ignition coils, let's learn how to do it. I move on to step 2 checking CDI but have no voltage at ignition coil. When Im testing the stator I dont get readings while the engine is turning. Stator Test. Thank you for the ignition troubleshooting guide. Buggy cranked up. The new one is a 6 pole setup just like the previous. Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for mechanics and DIY enthusiast owners of cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Any thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated. This result should be high around 6000 to 13000 ohms. I Also Have To Use A SCREW Driver On The Solenoid To Make Engine Turn Over. An ignition coil (or spark coil) is nothing more than a low frequency auto-transformer with a relatively high turns ratio. Got a hammerhead twister gt 150cc. I also think it is a shorted Regulator. I get backfire once in a while. How can I obtain a book for parts? The initial electricity is received by the primary windings, located on the side of your scooter's coil. Can you tell me what this box is and will it keep the scooter from firing? Test results from each coil: Not stock brandless coils currently on bike -. I have a crossfire 150 that had no spark replaced the coil cdi and starter relay with no luck , finally found it was the master brake sending unit not working . Yes, I did that. So, does that mean the pickup module is bad and do I have to replace the whole stator assy.? Everything is working according to your flow chart, (thank you btw), Lines are New. As well I will be connecting this to a points advancer to time firing so any insight on how to test that as well would be appreciated. Worked for a few starts. Is there a schematic available for the model I have? This will provide power to the car's electrical system and, thus, to the spark plug you're holding (assuming your ignition coil is working) 8. Checking both primary connections is where to start. Stator 17 VAC It has less than 4000 miles on it. Any information would be grateful. If you are starting from scratch then about 5 degrees before TDC (Top Dead Centre) should be good enough to at least get it to run. Need help! I dont know if I should make this connection again with the new Voltage regulator or not. It was supposed to run. I rotated the flywheel bump past the module coil and it still has continuity to engine ground. And said it wmlould be OK now maybe for 3 months later as I was coming back from work ,it started a short on battery cables leaving +&- wires completely burned Shorted out by frame ,,,my husband only changedo battery terminal wires with same wire gauges ,but my ignition switch, horn, turning signal lights front & back and brakes lights not working ,like there is no power / fire to it, but when he Kickstart it , it started up and was only able to get running lights and back lights but no brakes , blinkers ,or horn .I was able to take to shop but here in Portland Oregon we dont have enough shops for scooterso and they told me they are booked up for 6 month, and I cant wait that long ?any suggestions for me to do ,please help ,thank you? My green wire coming from my key switch(ignition) ohms out to ground. The result of this measurement should be greater than approximately 7000 to 14000 ohms. Resistance Testing a Small Engine Ignition Coil. When bypassing your switches, were you sure to remove pin #5 from the CDI connector? No spark I replace the coil cdi and stator with no difference. I have had someone holding the foot brake. This isnt exactly definitive, as we have seen working coils with 0.0ohms resistance. I have a 150cc motor that I have successfully swapped into a 50cc chassis. HELP! This is the kill pin. Sep 12, 2008. My Electric Start Button DO NOT WORK Re checked the wiring which had not been altered from when it did run to find the earth wire was on pin 3 instead of pin 4 so change this. Backfires are dangerous, and you should attend to any symptoms that your car can have. But why it would matter is you are correct it generates voltage either way but if you could put it 180 degrees off the piston and valves would not be TDC when it should be and the exhaust intake valves would be out of time as well with the firing. If not, take note of which engine code you had. Check your manual to locate the fuel pump relay. The stator does not have a key way . Please and thank you, If spark and compression are good, itll most likely be a carburetion issue. My buggy has no wiring harness because it is a complete rebuild project I was ridding it one day and it shut off and no spark to the plug ever since. Dont forget to ground back the pickup coil to the frame. Also, I get no power on my ignition switch. It works based on a trigger mechanism. In order to help, Ill need your voltage readings. Step 1: Check if the battery is fully charged. Try taking a look at the CDI power pin (#6). What is interesting is if I meter the back of the CDI plug when its connected I get no voltage showing on pin 6. He is experienced in wood and metal construction, having designed and built several houses and metal buildings. CHECK WIRES ON THE COIL AND MAKE SURE THERE NOT LOOSE AT ALL. *CB175 / CB200 Owners: While the basic wiring flow is the same, these motorcycles only use a single point and single coil in the ignition system. You. Just kinda need some guidance from here to know what my next step should be. Ignition points are a mechanical/analog method of controlling when the coil-generated spark is sent to the cylinder. When I connect the wires to the coil and test them, the power wire reads something super small/negligible like 0.1vAC 4. A great how to for a quick look up. Has anyone seen this problem? I have two CDIs and neither one read any voltage. i just bought a go-kart /buggy it has a 150cc gy6 engine the guy i bought it from said his son rode it and shut it off and it wouldnt start up so i replaced the carb ,the wire harness kit since wires where falling out and the cdi box, ignition coil spark plug rectifier it fires and getting gas sounds like it wants to start but wont start new battery as well im thinking it might be out of time it has alot of pressure and knocks hoses off carb while trying to start how do i know if its the timing ?????? Your duel fire coil puts out the same amount of volts in either the front or rear due to the fact that they fire at the same time. What about the ignition switch (key) not working? Currently you have JavaScript disabled. the CDI is bad. Spark Plug (New) = gapped to .6mm. #1. Turn the motor over and see if you get any pulsing voltage around .5 to 1 volt. The majority of 150cc models wire the switch on the ground-side of the starter solenoid, so what youre describing (seeing 12v there, and grounding the wire causes the starter to turn) is normal behavior. The ignition coil has 2 . 1.7 ohm I also tested the Pinout's pin 1. input from trigger .01 2 to ignition coil 0 pin 6. cdi power from stator. I NEED HELP!! The minimum we have seen working is around 18vAC. I HAVE NO SPARK ON MY ROVER YERF-DOG IT PRODUCE 23 VOLTS FROM RED FROM CDI AND THEN I CHAGE CDI BUT DO NOT START. Thanks Bobby. An Electric diagram would help finding a blown fuse. Fast Shipping Brand New in Box, still factory sealed Click "Buy Now" Button to Place Order Secure, Verified Payments via Facebook and PayPal DELIVERY: Estimated 3-5 days -Complete Kit for Car Testing: the 9pcs cylinder testing kit comes with 8 x compression tool and 1 x spark plug tester, total package includes 1 x SPARK PLUG TESTER, 1 x 300PSI DUAL UNITS GAUGE, 1 . I am pulling my hair out with a no spark problem. 2. maybe the key switch is bad. I cant get fire to the spark plug. I have 0 resistance to ground on cable to pin 4 and I have proved that the ignition takes the cable to pin 5 open circuit and back to ground(also checked this didnt change during cranking). My confusion with it is the Manual says in Step 1: "Disconnect all ignition coil wires (including the spark plug leads) before testing." Than it says to test the primary circuit. it makes a clicking sound. wires disconnected from coil. If so, I agree that it sounds like the CDI is bad. Thanks for the confirmation. Then stopped firing. Step 7: Reinstalling all ignition coils, after finishing replacing them as needed. Performed tests noted here and have gotten mix of results. Output ac voltage from cdi to coil peaks at 50 I have the park brake set. Thank you for your help. 5) Coil Never have had or worked on one. Recognize the Harley bad coil symptoms for a prompt and reliable replacement. Function of high voltage ignition coil. How to test the high voltage coil of your scooter? should get approximately 2.8-3.2 ohms between the center and either of the. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Read the article above or show it to someone who knows how to work on buggies. (same as Crossfire) I had checked all voltages and bypassed everything as described. if thats the case its working perfectly . Ive ordered a new reg/rec and it should be here to day. Web 29.9k subscribers avoid future headaches with these 6 tips on how to wire your motorcycle the right way. I have a yerf dog go kart with a gy6 150cc engine. The principle of operation of the ignition coil is relatively simple. Sounds like a bad starter/ignition switch. the plug is installed to the boot cap properly. Since you have the red/black wire its near certain that its an AC setup. He thought it was the ignition switch so we bought a new ignition switch and wired it up and itll spin over but no spark to the plug. any help ? I need help plaease. However, it's mostly mopeds and small European bikes have these types. Take this measurement for me twice, once without the sparkplug connected, and then a second time with the spark plug connected and in the plug hole. I get power to the coil until I connect the ground to the CDI or if I connect the ground to the coil. Next, you need to reinstall the rest of them on to your vehicle. It sounds as if you have a short in the wiring harness. If it still doesn't fire, it's the coil. 125cc atv. David, I need a bit more information in order to be helpful. A new CDI and coil only cost less than 15 so I will order them. So make sure the kill switch, key switch, and possibly the brake switch are either out of the circuit, or properly connected and positioned for starting. He has been DIY since childhood and is now a septuagenarian. No wasted spark. Ignition Winding: (These are both bullet-style connectors). The only other thing I noticed was that when I followed the guide and removed the Kill switch wire and grounded that pin 4 I think it said that the Kill Switch still worked. What is the right Stator? 0 v. Coil test. So assumed this is at least enough to get spark, if not run lights.. Leave the #4 wire in the connector. The ignition coil is close to the front fender or on a bracket around the distributor, depending on the car. How do you check for shorts? Can the stator be installed 180 deg out (upside down) cause this? The reason this is the case is because the trigger wire sends a burst of voltage once per RPM that is only 10ms in duration (10 one-thousandths of a second). Why does Paul interchange the armour in Ephesians 6 and 1 Thessalonians 5? One can analyze the results in more depth by using machines that can test the coils under pressure. The procedure in the video shows you how to test both the primary and secondary windings. You may not need a new switch, often times the switch is good, just not getting power due to a faulty connection or fuse blown. Stator replaced and spins. I have a 150cc gy6 engine dune buggy. As well the coil has 30k ohm resistance end to end and the spark plug has 80ish k ohms negative to positive and 0ohm negative to negative. 3. replaced the AC CDI and rode for 5-7 minutes then it died again. I have replaced the cdi, coil, plug, stator and still no spark. If the end result of these wires is not between the listed numbers, then the ignition coil is faulty. My Yerf-dog Scout model 34910 has a DC powered CDI unit instead of the AC powered unit in the posted electrical schematic. I had the engine started two or three times and touched the kill switch wire to engine to stop it . Started jumping solenoid terminals to get it running. Although Ill admit that Ive never tried it before or run a test around this scenario, so I cant say for sure. Main clue Buggy had been running fine and then this problem occured all of a suddenkids had to push the buggy back to the garage. Oh I have a Baja 150 with a Howhit motor.first question is do you leave the kill switch wire off for the whole test and when you unplug the ground wire do you plug the other two wires back into the CDI box? Im concerned Ive missed something. There are a few reasons for no spark, new coil pack could be defective, crank sensor, ignition module or bad wire in primary circuit, faulty ECM/PCM. I ask because if your battery is low, you are going to have low starting RPMs, which in turn produces low stator voltage. Many modern vehicles have coil packs or a coil-on-plug setup where each spark plug . Hey all Travis told me to post my results here. Hi Ryan, Ive cleaned the carburetor and Ive emptied the old gas out and replaced it.the spark plug seems to be good. I have problem with the headlights blowing out with the stator I have in there now, and also I put H4 55/60 in I notice they are melting the lens. I just found this troubleshooting guide and will go through it step by step this weekend. There is a small black wire coming from the box that appears to have by cut by the PO. I disconnected the regulator tested all voltages yes there back. Ignition Coil (New) = 30VAC, 0 ohms (analog). The pin marked N/A will be the ground pin (or should be) if you have the DC fired CDI. I have five wires coming from the engine three yellow one blue and white and one green and white. Is that something that can be fixed with the CDI, or do I need a new ignition switch to get that to work? since I removed it after and it still runs, but your suggestions were well designed and very understandable I did a continuity beep test at this green wire in the on and crank position It has continuity to ground. There should be between 20vAC ~ 100vAC coming from the CDI power wire (Black/Red), although much lower voltages will still be able to produce spark. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. My name is Randy and I need help. He has several years experience as a professional cabinet builder, and he is an accomplished auto repairman, having operated an auto repair business for many years. Replaced the coil and the spark plug and still no fire. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Found the problem. I have omh all the wires to make sure no shorts. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. I would say you need a new spark plug wire or your motor is not grounded to the Negitive post on the battery. Meggering out the individual wires say on 500v would have shown this and also a good way to check if your earth is good and not corroded, thats if you have access to a megger or electrician friend. But Id be sure to replace the stator at the same time. To test the operation of both the ignition coil and the spark plug, connect the tester between the spark plug boot and the spark plug. Next I ran the test with # 5 wire off and # 4 for the stator readings are blue yellow wire .196v red and black 61.1v. 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To locate the fuel pump relay have five wires coming from the box that appears to have by cut the! Is now a septuagenarian I rotated the flywheel bump past the module coil and the compression ratio kinda need guidance... Need some guidance from here to day View our Privacy Policy here the center and either of CDI... White and one green and white park brake set battery and you should attend to any symptoms that your can. Seems to be helpful as above hi Ryan, Ive cleaned the and... Are new then just `` flick '' the wire on the secondary do it turn the Over... Bracket around the distributor, depending on the battery I cant say for sure on.. Of brake switch, mark it would say no if the battery Yerf-dog Scout model 34910 a... Never have had or worked on one random engine knocking, and should.