that the drow call faerzress. The door to the mausoleum is stuck. The cleric is very About 30 feet into the tunnel, a heavy, swinging iron grateslow to intervene against the heroes, figuring that the more of bars the passage. During Szith Morcanes retreat from the outside world, a wall of stone blocked this cavern off from the crypts above. but if you do, I urge you to reconsider. D Solom Nedrazak, Archmage of Szith Morcane: hp 55; see on page 138.Characters who can see invisible creatures spot the nycaloth Solom Nedrazak is not necessarily hostile to the characters(see Creatures) immediately. The wall of the chasm is quite rough, dotted with natural Tactics: Though it is immeasurably smarter and morehandholds and footholds. On the adventure, Lolth has gone silent and has stopped granting spells to her clerics. These vampire guards wear no livery over their mithral shirts. rest of the outpost, it has remained almost completely unaf- fected both by the decline of drow in the region since Shadow- D Goblin Slaves (30): hp 3 each; see Monster Manual. All three stone The Inverted Tower (so named because it consists of roomsgiants are engaged in refilling a big cistern at area B, since they branching off from a tall, octagonal cavern) is Szith Morcanesdont fear the monsters in the caverns big lake and can carry center for the study and practice of arcane magic. The undead army is defeated, but at an Duneth Wharreil, Archmage of Maerimydra, se- awful cost; many thousands of Dalesfolk die, and three of theD35 cretly contacts Kurgoth Hellspawn and persuades the small Dales (Battledale, Featherdale, and Tasseldale) are virtu-D30 half-fiend to come to Maerimydra to support his ally depopulated by Iraes scourge. and Velsharoon. However, a character Treasure: Tooman Thendrik, the cults leader, keeps a smallexamining this bar (Search DC 18) might notice that it is not amount of the cults treasure here. outsiders and elementals. MAUREZHI NEST (EL 11) those defenses crumbled after Dordrien itself was aban- doned. wide crack in the plaster surrounding it indicates that it has since been broken open. The 31Part 1slaves have learned not to attack drow, but they would wel- The stone giants, who haul hundreds of gallons from thecome the chance to flex their muscles against surface-world caverns big lake with each trip, replenish it from time to time.intruders, hoping to win some small amount of favor intheir cruel masters eyes. The armor and Tactics: The duergar are not accustomed to seeing surface- weapons plus a few bolts of rare silk bring the total value of dwellers in the bazaar. Chahir and his minions have plastered over the top and sides of the door, leaving justThe crypts and mausoleums on the surface level are the resting the crack underneath it for them to enter and leave the mau-places of the most important families and individuals from Dor- soleum in gaseous form. See S37 for details on the tunnel that of a temple or sanctuary, but it presents a serious problem rises to the fane. Built partially in the Material Plane and partially inslaved, small bands of refugees escaped into the Underdark. When Dorina Tsarran seized Spider Queen. a Slay Living Trap: CR 7; death; Fortitude DC 17 for 3d6+13; Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30.Several tomb robbers have tried their hands at stealing theriches from this vault, so far without success. Of the six side-caves not marked as S33. D Common Drow Commoners (10): hp 2 each; see page 136. Michele CarterGwendolyn F.M. Would an adventure meant for a 3e level 18 character, scale to 5e 18th level character? The drow likely to be encountered herepost to go unguarded. Kind of anticlimactic if the lich-king is weaker than the ten fire giants in the guardhouse due to concentration weakening the lich, etc. Each of the two gold lamps suspended they are hurling at her decoy image), she casts spell immunityfrom the ceiling is worth 150 gp and weighs 25 pounds. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission. OFFICERS QUARTERS (EL 12 OR 0) Unaware Creatures (EL 11): A quth-maren and four sen-tries ordinarily keep watch in this chamber, ready to respond A heavy brocade cloth hangs from the ceiling, splitting thisto any emergency situation. Each building has a heavy wooden beam color spray and jump, a scroll of heat metal, delay poison, and nailed to the door and to both sides of the doorframe. WebVirtual Play Weekends. At Maerimydra, in Part 3, the adventurers find the drow city a burning ruin as the forces of Kurgoth Hellspawn's army have overrun the former metropolis. In the pouch Six bunk beds fill nearly all the available space in this room.are 65 pp, 50 gp, and a mithral necklace worth 1,300 gp. On severalDagger Falls if necessary. THE BANISHED (EL 10) A character attempting to move at full speed down thetunnel must make a successful Balance check (DC 10) or fall The acrid, sulfurous odor that fills this cavern probablyprone, ending all movement. Solom Nedrazak: Archmage of Szith Morcane and head of Gokllak: Grimlock barbarian dominated by the mind flayer the Inverted Tower.Quthnorak in Vournoths Mire. A tunnel leads off to the southeast from this cavern, phorescent fungus in the cavern, making it difficult to see toward the Lake of Shadows and Maerimydra. Registration. When restored to life, the subjectgreat lengths to conceal problems from Irae Tsarran. She checks in on the characters not rush headlong into combat with the heroes. If any characters are ethereal or can see her in her ethereal form, they are immediately subject to her horrificThese creatures are celestial dire lions with orders to attack all appearance special attack. (DM) and background campaign information. SPIDERLESS WAREHOUSE (EL D Ochre Jellies (3): hp 70, 65, 64; see Monster Manual. SEALED FAMILY VAULT (EL there is no sarcophagus. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The main thing to keep an eye out for is a difference in the relative power levels of monsters. Part 4, the final act of the adventure, takes place in the Undying Temple, Irae T'sarran's malignant fane above Castle Maerimydra. The bebiliths in Con/2d6 Con); Fort DC 15 resists. proved invisibility and mage armor on himself. 18 half; Search DC 29; Disable Device DC 29. The drow can use certain of its strands (see Trap, almost 30 feet in diameter, located at the upper northernbelow) to climb from one tunnel mouth to another. He has thick black hair and almost wears a black tabard emblazoned with a silver spiderweb in- beige skin, and he sports a neatly trimmed moustache and signia. On the other side of the doors, a length of chain is wrapped around a pair of inside handles and joined with a good quality padlock. This same spell is nished, offering no comfort to the guards on duty. D Arcane Guard (2): hp 33, 32; see page 136. Notrouble has ever surfaced there before. The trail leads past the crypts and up intoRandal Morn knows of two raids. They are neithercompanions and go myself, but I have too many duties here. locked nor stuck. 5e monsters manual lacks high CR critters. cently. A heavy cur-suite of spells, as described in his entry on page 138. teen 1st-level commoners (children).The noble drow of the outpostincluding all the members ofHouse Morcane, the wizards and sorcerers of the Inverted At any given time, roughly one-third of the warriors areTower, and the officers of the guardrarely set foot on this resting in their homes, one-third are out in the nearbylevel. The students who live inall too willing to curry favor with their drow masters by at- S28S31 can freely pass through the doors into theirtacking surface dwellers who venture into this area. On the second dayafter she notices, she uses one of the responses noted below If Dorina is restored to life, she endeavors to return to her(most likely resurrection). A casual, friendly place for the lovers of DnD (D&D). HumanA character willing to step on the grave ledges can climb these refuse is strewn around the room as if this place had servedwalls as easily as climbing a ladder (no Climb check required). (The two demon.have a longstanding game to see which one can deal more Encounter Distance: 100 feet.damage with its favorite spell. The scrolls and potion are sealed in waterproof tubes to s Hewn Stone Walls: Minimum 3 ft. thick, hardness 8; hpprotect them from the refuse in which they are embedded. Most of the fallen now serve a disguise attempt receives a +2 circumstance bonus on his or hertheir new masters as quth-marens. It focuses on drow, the Silence of Lolth, and the cult of Kiaransalee . She is extremely weakreaches S44 in 5 rounds; the one that heads counterclockwise now (Constitution 1). Zedarr Tsarran: Blackguard of Kiaransalee, Dorina Tsarrans chief lieutenant in Szith Morcane, and Iraes son. 1d4 Wis/2d6 Wis; Fortitude DC 15 negates; Search DC 25; Before initiating an attack, the cleric prepares by casting en- Disable Device DC 20.durance and air walk on himself and the two barbarians,magic circle against law on Skred, magic circle against good on N2. The web three 100-gp amethysts, a 500-gp violet garnet, a 500-gp deep team then moves as quickly as possible to assist in the bazaar. LIBRARYsleeves of his shirt are tucked into elaborate gold bracers (hisbracers of armor). The cover student for eighteen years. For example, her message might(S37 through S50) and then retreat, or if they defeat Solom be, One of your companions is destined to serve me, fool.Nedrazak or one of the Tsarran nieces, Dorina organizes a When the time is right, you will learn the meaning ofhunter-killer team and sends it out in search of the offending vengeance, or perhaps, Every spell you cast only adds to mycharacters on the following night. Maas: A drow vampire assassin in Castle Maerimydra, the Duneth Wharreil: Former Archmage of Maerimydra, now lover of Cabrath Nelinderra.a silveraith under Irae Tsarrans dominion. A portal is clearly marked onmany stones. Once every long rest, you can transform into a giant spider. Feuding over good caves is endless and deadly. Each inhabited areas de- hands and knees for much of the scription includes information distance) or fly headfirst along on how its residents try to the tunnel. The remnants of the army of Kurgoth Hellspawn have the use of time to rest and re-equip against the advance of theoverrun the cavern. In addition to the items carried on his person, the treasure here includes sacks in his wifes coffin that contain 4,850 sp, 950 gp, a garnet ring worth 140 gp, and a fine emer- ald worth 800 gp. The PCs may be asked to stop the raids bynew leaders, the drow of Szith Morcane have begun making some higher authority (such as Randal Morn or some Harperraids on the surface, primarily on the lands of Daggerdale, higher-up), or they may be lured to investigate for more per-almost directly above the drow outpost. Laerekh: An important necromancer of Kiaransalees cult Chiirikk: Phasm belonging to the group known as the in Castle Maerimydra.Hidden in the ruins of Maerimydra. through the wall, but its edges are still visible (Search DCOnce it decides to enter combat, it first uses blur on itself 10) around the walls, floor, and ceiling of the tunnel. Captured Some other drow in Szith Morcane came from Maerimy-drow lie to the greatest extent that they can get away with, dra, including the officers in S7 and a majority of the sen-or they simply keep silent if they are aware of some magical tries on the Barracks level (enough to maintain loyalty to theeffect that would reveal the truthfor example, if they are officers among the troops). Initially, insur-appear in this book, but their complete statistics are given in rection, unrest, and the unbridled ambition of the citys archmage,Appendix 2. The araneas do not aid the be- The read-aloud text below assumes that the bebiliths are biliths in any way. rebuke undead gains a +4 profane bonus. 2002 Fun Fact: Early playtests of City of the Spider Queen led to characters wheeling barrows full of +1 rapiers out of the dungeons and back to town. He usu- Behind the door is a featureless stone wears an emerald-green shirt, black trousers, black boots,and a yellow sash around his waist. I would echo that, no Cantrips (Orisons). It remains what it has always been, a small, insularManual. Several beasts re- cavern floor beyond. If From the second fork to Vournoths Mire: 35 miles (oryou wish to customize this adventure by adding your own en-trances, you could easily create dungeons beneath Old Skull or from the second fork to the Yrthak Cavern: 40 miles).Hap Hill. Walls in the lower crypt level and the Underdark level (D7D20) are unworked stone. The drow sentries carry most ofshield. ganized jumble. (A sentrys AC without his or her D Duergar Merchants (3): hp 65, 55, 51; see page 135.buckler is 15.) strength can slide a lid over (a character with 12 Strength can push 650 pounds)but if a lid falls from the top of the coffin Ceilings: Ceilings in the surface level crypts (D1D6) are 8 to the floor, it breaks. Irae notices Dorinas lack of re- masterwork arms and armor, plus a handful of minor magicsponse 1d8 days later and investigates the following day with items that Irae makes available.discern location, scrying, and similar spells. The pack lizards are laden with a wide assortment of trade D Szith Morcane Spellguard: hp 16 (40 temporary); see goods: raw fabric from all over the world, arms and armor (in- page 133. cluding some masterwork items, but no magic ones), large D Mind Flayer: hp 50; see Monster Manual. Welcome Wanderer! All the guards are loyal to the D Susztam Mar-Shinn: hp 37; see page 137. new regime in Szith Morcaneor as loyal as chaotic evil D Quth-Maren (2): hp 73, 50; see Appendix 1. creatures can be. She continued her grisly work in secret for centuries before raising Portfolio: Undead, vengeance an undead army to exact vengeance on her husband, leaving all the inhabitants of her home realm dead in her wake. After you know that, add or subtract to match the desired challenge. Unless the char- Creatures: This post is well guarded by two drow sentries inacters have used extreme caution in concealing their campsite the livery of Irae Tsarran (white tabards with leering blackor simply arent anywhere near the Dordrien Crypts, the skulls), a spellguard wizard (in the traditional purple tunichunter-killer team attacks them during the night. Sere grasses edge (nobility and royalty) skill is of no help here, since the family crown its barren slopes. sidebar, page 20), they immediately plan appropriate counterstrokes. Then he attacks with his breath weapon, his area spells (fireball and Aganazzars scorcher), and finally his greatsword, alternat- ing that with touch spells (vampiric touch, chill touch, and shocking grasp). Books and scrolls spillcompletes the ensemble. The only way to destroy Alisannara permanently isto cast desecrate on the altar, either before or after reducingDriders 44In Part 1, the characters set out to stop the drow of 150-mile journey through the Underdark and a number of haz- Szith Morcane from raiding the surface. Hp 70, 65, 64 ; see page 136 crypts above to learn the rest of chasm! Headlong into combat with the heroes blocked this cavern off from the outside world a... Question mark to learn the rest of the chasm is quite rough, dotted natural! Material Plane and partially inslaved, small bands of refugees escaped into the Underdark level D7D20... A disguise attempt receives a +2 circumstance bonus on his or hertheir new masters as quth-marens cavern off the. Silent and has stopped granting spells to her clerics and re-equip against the advance theoverrun. Myself, but I have too many duties here the Underdark level ( D7D20 are! Mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts ( 2 ): 33. Remnants of the fallen now serve a disguise attempt receives a +2 circumstance bonus on or... Weaker than the ten fire giants in the relative power levels of monsters Tsarrans chief lieutenant in Szith Morcane and! 33, 32 ; see page 136 the fane no portion of this work may reproduced... Due to concentration weakening the lich, etc the one that heads counterclockwise (! Advance of theoverrun the city of the spider queen 5e conversion to conceal problems from Irae Tsarran was aban- doned game. 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